Valiant in the testimony of Jesus

If the testimony of Jesus which is received by the Holy Ghost and not by man, is the spirit of prophecy and you have the testimony of Jesus/Spirit of Prophecy which makes you a prophet and then you later defer to men rather than receive the further testimony from the spirit of prophecy, (For any reason, fear, ease, false doctrine, compliance, etc.), then you are not being valiant to the spirit of prophecy that gave you the testimony of Christ. Like the new member who prays and gets an answer from God telling them to join the church and then they falsely assume that everything they will learn or experience in the LDS church is true so they stop praying and asking for God’s conformation. This is not being valiant in the testimony of Jesus as a result of the philosophies of men mingled with scripture and the craftiness of men who teach and encourage others to trust in them as if they were God and could not lead you astray.

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