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Calling and Election Made Sure - Read and Discuss experiences and principles related to making your calling and Election Sure.
How You Received Your Calling and Election Made Sure Share and discuss your experience receiving your calling and election made sure. |
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Sun, 12 November 2023 By: bishop  |
The Fastest Way to Make Your Calling and Election Sure Discuss principles and doctrines related to making your calling and election sure. |
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Thu, 06 August 2015 By: kenh  |
Discuss Elliaison Books and Articles - Discuss Elliaison Books and Articles.
Elliaison Events Discuss your experiences, insights and questions about Elliaison Special Events. |
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Fri, 25 February 2022 By: XLucettaX  |
The Atonement of Jesus Christ Discuss the Revelation by Elliaison. (The book can be found on |
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Wed, 28 April 2021 By: Amonhi  |
The Unspeakable Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Power and Voice of God. Discuss the Book by Elliaison. |
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Sun, 17 March 2013 By: TruthSeeker  |
With the End in Mind As church members we strive to be worthy of the Celestial Kingdom. Those who have the promise focus on new goals in their progression. This book discusses the blessings given in the promise of "Eternal Life" and "Exaltation". When, How and Why we become Gods giving various quotes and examples of those who have. |
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Thu, 08 November 2012 By: Ashleyd  |
The Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Making Your Calling and Election Sure. Discuss the book by Elliaison. |
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Mon, 23 July 2018 By: loveoverbooks  |
The Probation of Man This book and forum are currently only available to those who have already received their calling and election made sure. The book discusses the beginning, end, duration and other aspects of the Probationary State. |
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Mon, 04 July 2016 By: Elliaison_Admin  |
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Recognizing wolves in sheep's clothing. Discuss the book authored by Elliaison. |
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Fri, 13 November 2020 By: lulily  |
LDS Scriptural Doctrines Regarding Eating Animals/Meat Discuss this Free Elliaison Article. |
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The Unspeakable Gift of the Holy Ghost - Second Edition Discuss this Elliaison Book. |
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The School of the Prophets - Learn the application of spirituality. How to speak with God, receive visions, revelations, speak with angels and breach the veil. The application of spirituality and the challenges of Spiritual Progression.
The School of the Prophets - Open Forum How to's of becoming a prophet, applying spiritual principles, overcoming the challenges of incorporating the spiritual into our daily lives. (Open Forum) |
Scripture Discussion - Share your thoughts and discuss the scriptures.
The Holy Bible Discuss scriptures in The holy Bible. |
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Sun, 20 January 2013 By: rdwhitaker  |
The Pearl of Great Price The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. |
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Sun, 11 August 2013 By: Elejian  |
The Doctrine and Covenants The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints: Carefully Selected from the Revelations of God. |
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The Book of Mormon An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi. |
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Sun, 11 August 2013 By: Elejian  |
Lost Books Use this area to discuss scripture that is not currently part of the standard works but which is still beneficial. "The so-called lost books are those documents that are mentioned in our current scriptures in such a way that it is evident they were considered authentic and valuable, but that are not found in the standard works today." - Bible Dictionary "Lost Books" |
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Thu, 20 August 2020 By: Truthfinder78  |
Angels, Demons, Miracles and the like... - Share and discuss personal experiences with angels, demons, miracles, near death, out of body and other such topics.
Angels Share and discuss your experiences with angels. |
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Wed, 28 April 2021 By: LovesTheRain  |
Demons Share and discuss your experiences with demons. |
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Fri, 25 February 2022 By: XLucettaX  |
Miracles Share and discuss your experiences with Miracles. |
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Mon, 04 May 2020 By: Amonhi  |
Near Death Experiences Share & discuss near death experiences. |
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Thu, 10 October 2013 By: Sheol27  |
Dreams and Visions Share and discuss your Dreams and Visions. |
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Wed, 28 April 2021 By: LovesTheRain  |
Communing with Loved Ones Beyond the Grave Share, read and discuss experiences you have had with loved ones and others who now reside beyond the veil. |
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Thu, 24 October 2019 By: brrgilbert  |
Other Special Experiences Share and discuss various special experiences not discussed elsewhere. |
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Tue, 15 April 2014 By: iWitness  |
Testimonies You Have Gained and How You Gained Them Share your Conversion Stories and Testimonies and how you gained them. |
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Sat, 13 April 2013 By: Kingdom of ZION  |
First Hand Witnesses of Christ Share and discuss experiences by firsthand witnesses of Christ. |
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Fri, 25 February 2022 By: XLucettaX  |
Everyday Revelations - Revelation and Inspiration will progress our group faster and farther than the uninspired world. Share your everyday revelations which help this group become more advanced in all things.
General Revelations If you don't know where to share your revelation, share it here. |
Church of the Firstborn - This group is limited to selected members who have made their calling and election sure. (2 Pet. 1:10)
Church of the Firstborn This group is limited to those who have already received their calling and election made sure. After receiving the promise, "All things Become New". This group discusses doctrines and topics only relevant to those who have received the promise and been sealed by the Holy Spirit. |
The 144,000 This forum is for those who have been ordained by angels to bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn. - D&C 77:11 |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Discuss doctrines, news and topic relating to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Missionary Experiences Share and Discuss special missionary Experiences. |
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Sun, 04 March 2018 By: The Airbender  |
LDS Deep Doctrine Discussions regarding little known, discussed or understood doctrines of the LDS Church. This area is for seasoned members with a firm understanding of the basics and a solid connection to the spirit of truth. |
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Sun, 05 September 2021 By: brrgilbert  |
Current Church Doctrine Discussions regarding the current church doctrine and basic beliefs of the LDS Church. This forum discusses topics & view points which are supported and well documented by the currently accepted teachings of the LDS Church. - LDS Friendly Forum |
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Sun, 26 July 2020 By: Dragon  |
Sunday Preparation - Talks & Lessons If you are preparing a talk or lesson and want input, ideas or have questions, start a thread here. Include in the subject line of your thread the lesson name or talk subject. |
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Sat, 13 August 2016 By: Dragon  |
General Conference & Devotional Discussion Post and Discuss talks from General Conference, Devotionals, Firesides, etc. |
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Mon, 07 July 2014 By: Rodney  |
News, Politics and Events What is happening in the Telestial World around us? How does it effect us? How do you feel about it? Discuss the world here. |
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Sun, 12 June 2016 By: Simon Driscoll  |
The Holy Temple Discuss the Symbols, Ordinances, Meanings and Insights of the Temple. !!!This is a VERY Sacred Area. Please keep the spirit of your posts as reverent as the Celestial Room.!!! |
The Sandbox - If you are not built on the rock, don't come here! This is where we discuss the Sand of the Gospel. Topics that don’t really matter eternally but which will cause you to fall unless you are built firmly on the “Rock” from which you cannot fall.
The Sandbox Only for those built on the "Rock" or sure foundation. If you feel your testimony being threatened or questioned, this area is NOT for you. Discuss topics that Only Rock Foundations can withstand. |
Open Source Government - A Social Experiment to see if an open source, online government can be created by the people, for the people and of the people which that avoids and bypasses the corruptions of the existing governmental systems.
Open Source Government A Social Experiment to see if an open source, online government can be created by the people, for the people and of the people which that avoids and bypasses the corruptions of the existing governmental systems. |
Helping Others - "Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;" - D&C 58:27
Get Involved in a Good Cause "Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;" - D&C 4 |
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Mon, 22 February 2021 By: rdwhitaker  |