I’m not finding it right now but I’ve read extensively from some group who has compiled an alarming degree of evidence that the whole Jesus story including the crucifixion and resurrection occurred with both a male and a female, his “companion”.
They assert that one of the major pushes of the ancient Roman church was to do away with ALL of this knowledge by removing all sacred texts that contained it and killing as heretics all who believed it.
Their purpose being to distort the full atonement so badly that it stop the ability of the Atonement from being able to truly save souls and instead point all people directly to the saving power of the Roman church.
If the Atonement has been taught incorrectly, and an understanding of both the male and female rolls are vital… a lot of people would need to re-learn a lot of things if they desire true salvation. It’s an interesting idea. I also wouldn’t put it past the ancient church to be able to accomplish either.
Tell me what you think or have heard about this idea. Or if you have access to the sources that I seem to be missing.
Mrs Seeker
You can see the role of Christ’s companion in the atonement in this book: http://www.digitalegend.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=285