Why I Write

Several people have asked me: Why do you feel the need to share these things? Why do you write?

Here is my answer, at least what comes to me today.
It is SO worth it to me to help people KNOW God. To be able to see God.
A person will only see God when they know God. And they can only know God when they know God’s heart God‘s intention God desires. And… You can only see God when you can see the God in others. And… You will know God when you see God because you will be like God. God is love. Got his kindness. God is charity. God his mercy. Do you think that Jesus Christ did not show mercy? Do you think HE demanded justice? No. Who demands justice? Is it God? No. It is US. Jesus Christ saved us from the demands of the justice of our brothers and sisters. He paid the price of justice. And because of this we obtain mercy. Because as the bowels of mercy turn within us, we are brought to our knowledge that we are all one. We are one under Christ. We are brothers and sisters. He is our father. And then him we are saved. In him the bowels of mercy turn within us and we see his pain and our mercy extends to all who he would extend mercy too. Because we know that as he extends mercy so also should we extend that same mercy to our brothers and sisters. If he forgave then we must forgive.
I write these things so that we all may come to know God and Jesus Christ whom he sent. So that heaven may come on earth. So that this world may become a better place. A place of peace. A place of no more killing. A place of mercy. A place of goodness. A place where the people of the earth know and love their God. I teach of God. I testify of God. I testify of who God is. Of his attributes. Of their attributes. So that this world may become a better place. So that all may see the face of God. And when they see the face of God, they will be better people. By knowing who God truly is we are changed.And when we come into an alignment with God so much that we are like God then… We find ourselves standing in the radiant presence of the glorious and wonderful all powerful and all loving God of all. Of whom we become a part. In whose glory we rejoice. And in whose name… We come to live by. The name of love. Of mercy. Of goodness. Of charity. Of righteousness which is morality and immortality. And by coming into this alignment, we become worthy of the high priesthood after the order of the Gods. And not before this. I teach not so that men may become powerful. Although what I teach will make them powerful in God. I teach so that mankind can be free. Can be free of wickedness, of jealousy, of strife, of judgment, of criticism, and become the children of acceptance, of love, of mercy. That they may see their fellow man as their brothers and sisters, as those people whom Christ died to save.
And when that change of heart occurs in them, they too take up their cross and are willing to die for the sake of their brothers and sisters, to extend them mercy, as Christ has done for them.
The world that is created from my endeavors to teach the things of Christ in God. To teach the nature of God. So that all may know God and Jesus Christ whom they have sent, is my labor of love.
I endeavor to make the world heaven so that I may see on earth that which I have seen in the heavens. A world full of love and truth and peace and kindness and mercy because that is the world I want to create. That is the world that I want to live in. That is the world I want to see my children and My children’s children get to exist in. I want to see mankind love each other as Christ loved us. And for this reason, among many others, I am Christian.

Love and Light to You

Mrs. Seeker

More Detailed Introduction

Who am I?

I am a teacher of God’s words. A proponent of peace, Love and our Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope to radiate His Love and Peace to all.

A little about me…

I am a pretty high-stung, fun loving lady who has a serious problem with an exaggerated sense of humor! I spend much time laughing. I will laugh at little things I see or hear, but most especially at myself! I just can’t take myself too seriously, after all… I still, at 40 years old, am fairly certain that I have not quite grown up yet, and honestly, if it means loosing my sense of humor, or fun-loving spirit, I hope I never do!

I’m a Wife of 19 years 

A Mother to 4 beautiful, loving, and at times peaceful children. 🙂 🙂

We have a son with Spina Bifida and the challenges associated with that… there are simply no words I can utter to express all that brings into my life.

I love to paint, sing, and dance with my children.

I have a deep love for animals and keep a small farm with chickens and horses and other pets as my “home base” when not traveling for work or missions for the Lord.



Why am I here?

I find myself to be more of a Jona than a Joan of Arc, although, she is one of my greatest heroines and I think of her passion and dedication to God almost daily. The way she followed God’s words to her directly and her confidence in the Lord are deeply inspiring to me.

I have so often run away and hidden from the Lord and His requests, feeling the fear and shame from man and honoring that over God. But I am learning and growing and pushing myself to ask for the strength and faith to Cary out His plans and requests of me.

What I hope to accomplish…

I hope to deliver the words the Lord has given me to the people He sends me to without our fear or hesitation, but boldness in my God!

I hope to inspire others, to bring all who will come to the presence of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. And to teach the Unity of God the Father and God the Mother and how each o e of us is privileged to also learn and immigrate their greatness in Love and service!


What do I write about?

Everything LDS, religion, or philosophy…

Also… some of my random thoughts.


I will use a lot of “What if’s…?” in hopes of getting the reader to ask themselves these types of questions… When I give a “What if…?” it really may have zero to do with what I actually believe. But… Ultimately, what I believe should be of less concern to you than what you can learn directly from God and the common sense and plain old morality that they put into you at your creation.

I will impart the words of Christ and of all teachers who cause people to be better, think better and live better, especially in the way they treat their fellow beings. From their families and children to their neighbors and the world at large.

I hope to be a source of new ideas to consider. I hope that at least at times, the Holy Ghost will witness of the truth of my words directly to your souls and bring you greater Love, peace and Freedom in and with God.

I hope to share much joy with you, the reader, in our Journey in seeking truth together!

Peace, Love and Light to you,

Mrs Seeker


True Humility


Have you observed that many people who talk about humility and it’s importance seem to do a lot of self debasing?


Talking about how they are nothing. How unworthy they are, and how lame they are?

Its interesting to me and seems that it has almost become a game to see how humble we can be… or at least seem to be to others.


But what are the markers of true humility?

At the risk of sounding cliche-ish…

What did Jesus do?


He talked about how he was a son of God!

He gloried in His Father, but knew He was His son.

He said none were good but God, recognizing that higher power of the Father over all.

He remained ever reachable and amendable to the will of His Father in Heaven.

Never forgetting His own divine birthright and divinity by lineage.

To forget our lineage and our divine potential is selfish and ungrateful for the Gifts from our loving Father and Mother in Heaven.

True Humility knows who we are and where we came from, never forgetting the greatness of our Father and Mother God and their love and care for us.

With Light and Love,

Mrs. Seeker


Believing the Holy Ghost


 So may people receive the words of the Holy Ghost yet they damn themselves because they do not believe them.

If you receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost yet you don’t believe his words what good was that gift? You turn it down when you do not believe and grow in it.

Here are a few things I’ve been asked and my response:


I just don’t know if my experiences mean anything or not.

I received these words:

“You have been true and faithful and shall gain eternal life”.

But the words can’t be enough, right?

My trouble is the doubt. I struggle in trusting in this and am waiting for some miraculous event which from what I understand doesn’t necessarily happen. Is that correct?


In a nutshell, I am concerned this is my imagination and I don’t trust myself enough to believe otherwise. If that makes any sense. 😂



Here is my responsibility to these and many more discussions like these and more elaborate which I have not included.

Your experience sounds an awful lot like many of the examples in scripture of receiving the Calling and Election made sure and other blessings.

For some it is more, for almost everyone in scripture it is simple and pure as was yours.

Many are trying to teach now that it must be a certain way, but that is not consistent with scripture.
As Isaiah received the Holy Ghost as a still small voice within, so too do the things of the spirit most often manifest. When we can learn to be quiet and still, we step toward God.

I am going to tell you to have faith and be believing of whatever the Lord blesses you with. Better to have too much faith than too little. Better to have too much charity and kindness than too little.


So here’s the logic… Let’s say it’s wrong… but you live your life as if it is right… what will happen as a result!? You will ACT like a holier person.
You will GROW in faith and more experiences will come to you as a result.
If you are disbelieving, you will close off faith and will receive fewer and fewer manifestations of the spirit because they can only come to the faithFull…

Plus, being believing you will feel better. And when we FEEL better we ACT better.
Is it better to FEEL like a celestial person and act the part! Or to feel like a looser and act that part?

Many, many people I know directly have eventually entertained the Savior as a direct result of BELIEVING their C&E experience and living in a way that was believing enough.
And also therefore feeling WORTHY themselves of Christ’s presence.

But you say, what if…? “What if I think and act as if my Calling and Election is made sure but it is not so? I am lying to and deceiving myself!”

To this we say: “If you refuse to plant the seed the tree will never grow!”

Yes you may find yourself deluded for believing too much at first but very soon your delusion will become your reality!

Some guidelines:

1. Do no harm

– Don’t go around trying to do what you think is the will of God by justifying terrible or illegal acts to please Him. Behave as a good person would.

2. Love and serve with your knowledge and blessings.

3. Teach others and Raise ALL to the blessing you believe you have.

– Make all men your equals

– Ask the Lord for what’s next.

If you have truly made your Calling and Election Sure, more will be brought and taught to you.

Your mission will become clear. You will be taught by messengers, those from this earth who are ahead of you on the path, also by apostles and prophets from the past, either in person or via the scriptures and the Holy Ghost to your mind.

Eventually you will be brought to the assembly of the Church of the Firstborn in spirit.

You will visit the New Jerusalem

You will meet the Father and Mother

And so much more if you


Seek and


BELIEVE the Holy Ghost or you will loose your connection to him! Act as if God does not lie! The Holy Ghost speaks Gods words. If you do not believe him you assume god is a liar. And if you treat God as a liar… well, I believe you can think that one through for yourself.

Love and Light,

Mrs. Seeker


Teachers Preachers and Our Own Learning

  1. Thoughts on Julie Rowe?… How could she, or anyone who goes beyond the veil so much still be deceived on any level?

Something to remember… everyone is learning in stages, or levels. I know people who are COTFB who are called to build up the COJCOLDS because it is a step in progression. And some still may be called to teach Buddhists. It doesn’t mean they are leading people astray by bringing them into the LDS church, or to Buddhism, or Seventh Day Adventist. It simply means that is the stage of progression that THAT person they are teaching is ready to receive. This of course when a person or teacher is acting as guided and directed by the Holy Spirit.

When you look at the work of God, not as linear, but rather as a tapestry, you can begin to see how things that would lead YOU away from God brings another TO the Lord.
You follow your path as God lays it out for you and trust that God has also laid out a path for them that they must follow.
Some people still need to live the law of Moses, but that is righteousness for them.
Some must live the LDS law, and that is righteousness for them.
Others must live the “higher law” That Christ brought, and that is righteousness for THEM.
And there are those who are living “The laws of the Elohim”, and that is right for them.
But when we look to judge or try to decide what is right for someone else we commit a form of blasphemy, placing ourselves on the thrown of God in their lives, judging them of God, acting AS God over them, if only in our own hearts.

There are just SO many pieces of the puzzle that are GOOD if you can see the bigger picture.

I can see good and find light in the writings of many. But I would not follow them.

Now… ALL that being said… those who feel they know more are free to proclaim their truth and draw others to greater knowledge and light. So, for me, I do not advocate people follow Julie or Pontious, or Denver, or… whoever. Read and learn what you find useful and then turn to the God of the Universe that speaks to you from within for what YOU should do, always tempering your actions with common sense and be responsible for what YOU bring to and create in this world, weather it be heaven on earth or disaster and confusion.

We covered this in part in “The circle of perfection” video on the Elliaison channel.

Covenants and Contracts


In response to commonly circulating ideas and comments regarding covenants, contracts and the gathering of Israel and of establishing Zion…

Jacob 5:7, 10, 17, 18, 63, 74


When groups and earthly man-made organizations require covenants it is not a covenant for the Church of the Firstborn, it is for those still under the lower law who have not yet either 1. Come into the Church of the Firstborn, or 2. Have not yet learned how to be active in said church.
There may be a few who do join with these out of inspiration as it fits in with their individual calling in the Church of the Firstborn to assist in this particular area and group of people in bringing all who will come into the CoftFB, but all callings in some way are to that end in preparation for Christ’s second coming.
People are being plucked up and gathered at this time out of every religion and every group. WHEN the time comes to gather, Christ personally will be overseeing it and you will see ALL of us who have received Him knowing the time is right and where and how He wants it done and where we will be meeting because all of us who sit in council with Him will unite under Him and His direction. The way to Unify will be clear, not convoluted with the ideas of man.

When we (Mr. Seeker and I) were brought into the Church of the Firstborn, some 17 years ago, what we found amazing and kind of difficult to adjust to was the stark contrast between the way the LDS church functioned and the way the Church of the Firstborn functioned.
With no bishops or leadership. No man standing between you and God. Just a bunch of people, largely couples, interacting like a large group of independently united Gods.
(Or Gods in training perhaps. 1f642 )
But the precision and unity is what has always amazed us. As well as how so many people can function and operate with no man or set of men between us and God, yet all rolls on beautifully as He wills.
It is so amazing, so freeing, so perfect I’d hope all would come into it.
To continue with any man placed between you and God is a step away from where you CAN be.
It is a GOOD step, but it is not ideal.
I seek the freedom, the Unity, and the fruit of the Love of God for all!

Ways to get there… seek God.
Read “The Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Making Your Calling and Election Sure” as a starting place. Join the Church of the Firstborn.
If you’ve already joined, you need to start attending the meetings and conferences that take place. If you don’t know how, you need to learn!

Peace be with all… whatever you feel is where God is leading you, do check with your higher reasoning, and the spirit. Make sure it makes sense and does not harm anyone and then follow it with all your soul!

Some have asked concerning Denver and others like him:

“Well, since Denver, has association with the Father, the Son, Angels, the Spirits of the just (men and women) made perfect, the General Assembly and Church of the First Born, has he attended your conferences or meetings? I assume you have seen him there?”

Firstly… Denver only claims ONE experience, that I have been made aware of, of direct and personal interaction with Christ. This does not constitute “association” but it does indicate a meeting and possibly that he has a greater connection with the divine than the average person has. Denver is also very well studied and like all who desire to truly be close to the spirit, he has spent much time contemplating the scriptures and correcting his mis-understandings in scripture that have become tradition.

That being said… Yes, I believe he is inspired in many instances by the divine. But what he has done at this time is more like a mission he is on to aid the work. It is not THE work. Lots of us participate in these types of works. They are a step toward the real thing, they are not “The Real Thing”. Which is why I’m encouraging those in that place to do it, but calling those who can get to the next level to be sure to do that. Or those who get there at some point to not get stuck anywhere, be it the LDS church or the Remnant movement, or the Budhist religion.
You could participate in the Remnant movement as a stepping stone for yourself or to help others along their path, but always pointing people toward Christ and His direct organization, the Church of the Firstborn which no mortal man leads.
I have encountered MANY people who were in a place on their journey where the best thing for them was to join or stay in the LDS church and I encouraged them to do so because that is where the spirit was leading them. I see this the same way.
I am simply one voice in the crowd calling all who will, to come to the Church of the Firstborn directly rather than depending on a middle man. For those who can’t access the Lord directly a middle man is some times helpful for a time. Whoever that Prophet or Prophetess is, follow their example first and foremost. Learn to speak directly with God as they have done. That is the best way you can follow any prophet.


Mrs. Seeker


Was the Atonement actually performed by a man and a woman?

I’m not finding it right now but I’ve read extensively from some group who has compiled an alarming degree of evidence that the whole Jesus story including the crucifixion and resurrection occurred with both a male and a female, his “companion”.
They assert that one of the major pushes of the ancient Roman church was to do away with ALL of this knowledge by removing all sacred texts that contained it and killing as heretics all who believed it.
Their purpose being to distort the full atonement so badly that it stop the ability of the Atonement from being able to truly save souls and instead point all people directly to the saving power of the Roman church.
If the Atonement has been taught incorrectly, and an understanding of both the male and female rolls are vital… a lot of people would need to re-learn a lot of things if they desire true salvation. It’s an interesting idea. I also wouldn’t put it past the ancient church to be able to accomplish either.

Tell me what you think or have heard about this idea. Or if you have access to the sources that I seem to be missing.


Mrs Seeker

How Does Satan Counterfeit Jesus?

I didn’t do the research and work to come up with all of this post, Don Stewart did. But I thought his ideas were enlightening and useful in seeing how counterfeits actually work. They do NOT work by doing the exact same things but by doing things differently, inverted even. He mimics, but as with any mimic, a discerning eye can always see through, or at least, with time and experience, learn to see through the illusions.



Satan is the great counterfeiter of Jesus. We find that he has done this in a number of ways.

1. Unique Son, And Son Of Destruction

The Lord Jesus is the unique Son of God.

No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, He has made Him known (John 1:18).

In a sense, Satan has his son, the man of sin. He is called “the son of destruction.”

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Though not a literal offspring of Satan, this man of sin is the counterfeit of the Lord Jesus.

2. Trinity

God is a Trinity – made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Satan has his own unholy trinity – himself, the beast, and the false prophet.

And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur, where are also the beast and the false prophet; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Revelation 20:10).

3. Children

God has His own children – those who have put their trust in Him.

But as many as received Him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on His name (John 1:12).

Satan has his own brand of children – those that practice evil.

the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom; the weeds are the children of the evil one (Matthew 13:38).

4. Apostles

Jesus chose twelve apostles to be do His will.

And He called unto Himself His twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of disease and all manner of sickness. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these (Matthew 10:1,2).

Satan has his own apostles.

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13).

5. Marks His Own

God will demonstrate His seal of ownership on His servants with a mark on their forehead. The Bible records an angel saying.

Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God (Revelation 7:3).

In the same manner, Satan will have a mark of ownership placed upon his followers.

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead (Revelation 13:16).


Satan, the great counterfeiter, has attempted to imitate and Christ. He has done so by counterfeiting the Trinity, and the unique Father-Son relationship that God has. His followers, like God’s, are called children. Satan has his own false apostles, and he marks his own with a symbol of ownership as the Lord has done. In so many ways, he has attempted to counterfeit the true character and works of God.



Baptism and Authority

Ever been to a baptism?

What did the officiator say?

“Having authority…” or “Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ…”

And the latter… unless they have indeed been given this power directly by Jesus Christ as taught in 3 Nephi, is simply standing in as a decoy. Unfortunate truth.


Years ago, Philip and I were taught a very interesting lesson on priesthood, and authority to perform ordinances.

In the vision/experience we were taken to the thrown of God and ordained to the office of priest and priesthess after the holy order of the son of God…

(Later we would be ordained by the Father and Mother to the Priesthood of the Gods, but that’s another story…)

We were shown that the only true authority to be had on the earth to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ was if a person was given that authority to do so directly by Jesus Christ.
This was fine for us, but we thought… Well… Then there won’t be very many people who are truly authorized servants to perform baptisms untill right up to getting close to the milinium when lots and lots of people enter Christs presence for them selves so that he can give them power to baptize in His name.


Well, this is an all too commonly over looked piece of information… We’ve all come to believe that anyone who’s been given the power by Jesus Christ can then just go around giving His power away to anybody they deem fit for that power. But this is NOT what Jesus had in mind… His intent was to select only those who had seen His face, and had received the power directly from HIM through their faithfulness in Him, to receive this power and perform these baptisms unto Him.


So here is what the Book of Mormon has to say about this:

3 Ne. 11

21 And the Lord said unto him: I give unto you power that ye shall baptize this people when I am again ascended into heaven.

22 And again the Lord called others, and said unto them likewise; and he gave unto them power to baptize. And he said unto them: On this wise shall ye baptize; and there shall be no disputations among you.

23 Verily I say unto you, that whoso repenteth of his sins through your words, and desireth to be baptized in my name, on this wise shall ye baptize them—Behold, ye shall go down and stand in the water, and in my name shall ye baptize them.

24 And now behold, these are the words which ye shall say, calling them by name, saying:

25 Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

(emphasis added for clarity)

Power to baptize was only offered through Jesus Christ giving it directly to the individual.

Well… There is this:

38 The duty of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons, and members of the church of Christ—An apostle is an elder, and it is his calling to baptize;

39 And to ordain other elders, priests, teachers, and deacons;

40 And to administer bread and wine—the emblems of the flesh and blood of Christ—

41 And to confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures;

42 And to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the church;

43 And to confirm the church by the laying on of the hands, and the giving of the Holy Ghost;

44 And to take the lead of all meetings.

45 The elders are to conduct the meetings as they are ledby the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God.


63 The elders are to receive their licenses from other elders, by vote of the church to which they belong, or from the conferences.

Some say ALL must be baptized because of this:

34 And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, shall be damned.

But… There ARE of course caveats to that… Little children and those not “under the Law” should NOT be baptized… At least not by man, possibly directly by the Holy Spirit.
IMO… The most fulfilling baptism is done directly by Christ or one He has directly given the power to baptize.

But… They say… “How can this be?! How can anyone escape the need for baptism?”

It is simple really… Those who are not under the law, who are alive in the Promise would be mocking Christ to receive the baptism which would insinuate that they believed not in His Promise that they have been given.

This group may include: Children born under the covenanted parents who have their Calling and Election Sure and so by default their children also have this promise so long as they do not fall, and even then their parents may take upon themselves their children’s transgressions.
Also those to whom the law was never given, however they will have a chance to receive baptism.
There are also those who receive the baptism directly from God or Christ via the Holy Ghost or other spiritual means. This group still receives baptism, but not via mankind other than the initial baptism and unveiling at birth.

A wise man once said: “I believe the individuals heart and their submission to Christ brings the ratification of the Holy Ghost more so than the individual who baptizes you”
I Agree!

For the sake of structuring and organizing of the physical Church on the earth which is another pre-curser to the Church of the Firstborn in full bloom, they began to have Elders ordain and vote on Elders and authorize them to perform baptisms. This is one of the greatest reasons why so many may receive a baptism, but they do not receive the baptism of fire that follows if it is performed by Christ directly or someone whom He has given this power to baptize.

Therefore, any person who is baptized this way has received a dead work that is a symbol only and they must receive the real thing either by Christ/God directly or via someone He has personally given that power.

IF you receive baptism in this way you will receive the baptism of fire… and the white dove, the holy ghost will decend upon you. Usually immediately, or shortly thereafter.

This system of surrogate power has bloomed out of a people where enough people couldn’t muster the faith and righteousness to receive Christ personally or directly. IF all would receive him, then this would in fact be done correctly… But then again… if that were the case the whole church would be lead and guided by the presence of Christ directly. And we would be under the Church of the Firstborn and not all these man-made movements of our time.


This post has a LOT of assumptions about the knowledge of the reader and lacks background on several points made, to the point that the beginning may feel a little disjointed. For that I apologize, but I’ve just got to get the thoughts down so I don’t loose them. I will try to get back to the nuanced details when I can.



Everything I type into my blog is my opinion, perception, and understanding. And I forget things ALL THE TIME… So standing corrected is not an uncommon stance for me.

I will throw in personal experiences from time to time, and some of those I retain in practically perfect recollection. Others… Especially since ALL of our spiritual journals were lost in a tragedy, may be a bit hazy to me. So I may write them out as I remember them only to be corrected on the facts by my husband or someone I’ve told in the past who reminds me of some little aspect that I’d forgotten. Such is the frailty of being mortal and… A full time Mom!

Besides… Put no man (or woman) up as your idol prophet above God. Doing so with any man is folly. Follow only God, the wisdom of the Holy Ghost, common sense, and of course our Lord The Christ.

Seek to receive these revelations for yourself. In your own personal language of understanding so that it can enter your soul and touch your heart. Opening your mind and your eyes to the beauty and Majesty of God with you.

So, all these things considered, please read my words with the spirit of the Holy Ghost which will teach you the truths that you are meant to receive and understand at this stage in your life.

Thank you all for reading!

Peace, and God Bless.

Mrs. Seeker


Role of a Prophet… and… CAN Prophets become Idols?

My dear friend wrote a blog post that apparently got her some criticism…

Here is a link to her post:



After reading the post I decided to write this note to my friend and all who are within the reach of my words:

We are all supposed to go to God for ourselves.
Nephi is a great example of this… he didn’t just take his Dad’s word for it. He asked to have the same vision and gain his own understanding.
If a teacher is teaching something you need to know about ask for your own vision of it. If two prophets contradict ask for BOTH visions so you can see your version of what both have seen. Maybe you will find the missing link between them for yourself. Or maybe you will see something more applicable to you.
Regardless, if any of you lack wisdom… ask of GOD…. because God WILL give it to you… eventually.

THIS is the method we are supposed to use, even with the speakers in General Conference. We don’t want to become spiritually lazy OR make men our idols in the place of God. Doing as I outlined above will prevent this grave error.

The coveted oil in your own lamp is that precious connection directly to God through the Holy Ghost. No one, not parent, teacher, bishop, friend, nor prophet, not even Christ Himself can fill your lamp for you. Only You can prepare to meet Christ, the bridegroom for yourself, by developing your ability to commune with God through the veil for yourself. And then, once you have learned, it becomes your privilege if you so choose to guide others to the veil by your example and invitation. Teaching them, just as you were taught, that it is only through their own connection to the divine that can bring them into Christ’s presence. By hearing His voice, for ourselves, he teaches us all that we must do to part the veil and enter into His presence for Eternity.

And yes, these guys ARE like mail men… And this should not be offensive. I have met Christ, and I call all who will to do the same. And I desire and seek no praise or laud for myself, only for my God, and for you who I know have the capacity to obtain the same witness and accompanying blessings for yourselves if you will only exercise the exact same faith as I have, to do the same for yourselves.

As far as ANY prophet is concerned… We are to follow their EXAMPLE. To do as they DO. As they have shown us how. We are to do exactly as they have done… Part the veil and meet Christ and become His witnesses at all times and in all things and in all places.

Their council should not be to command us in all things, for that would make us slothful and unwise servants. Rather their council should be to call us to have faith, repent, be baptized in Christ’s name, receive the gift of the holy ghost, obtain a sure knowledge of our place in the Eternities, and then walk on into the presence of Christ, where HE alone can be our sovereign lord and Master and lead and guide us to all things, and all knowledge and all understanding. Then as we learn all things that we should do to be like Him and the Father, we will rise to become one with Him and the Father/Mother and once again enter their Eternal presence and rejoice with them forever.

We need worship only God. Give gratitude and thanks to those who have led and guided you, of course. But beyond that, your hearts and adoration’s shall turn to God.

So, that’s all I have to say about that…  But here are some quotes and “proof” for those who don’t just like opinions of people who are just some nobody… like myself.

Prophets CAN become idols, and here’s what God does when this happens… When the people get deep into making this mistake…


Ezekiel 14:

Therefore speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the Lord will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols;

That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.

¶ Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.

For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the Lordwill answer him by myself:

And I will set my face against that man, and will make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of my people; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.

And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

10 And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him;

11 That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord God.


Joseph Smith further expounding on these verses…

From the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith:

Section Five 1842-43, p.237

President Joseph Smith read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel–said the Lord had declared by the Prophet, that the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or men in that state of corruption of the Jewish church–that righteous persons could only deliver their own souls–applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints–said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall–that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves, envious towards the innocent, while they afflict the virtuous with their shafts of envy.


As far as I can tell, Kimber is just restating what these two prophets, Ezekiel and Joseph Smith have already said. If you disagree, disagree and take it up with them rather than Kimber.


Love and Light


Mrs. Seeker