Elliaison Special Event Notice
We are excited to announce that the Elliaison Contributors Team have made arrangements to host
a free Elliaison Special Event in
American Fork Utah, Saturday, November 17th 2018.
Seeker, (Philip), and Mrs. Seeker, (Rebecca), who will be presenting a full day seminar titled:
In this series, we’ll walk through the entire process from initial faith in Christ to receiving the Second Comforter and being brought back into the presence of Christ.
The Elliaison Group is comprised of various individuals and couples who have each had the blessings they are teaching about. Having firsthand experience, they each have been instructed by God to share with others their experiences and wisdom in an effort to help others to receive the same. Most of them received their Calling and Election made sure and Second Comforter independent of Elliaison and each other. They have been instructed by personal revelation to help others and found the Elliaison effort to be an effective way to do so.
These individuals do not want personal fame or attention, but they do want to share many of the things which they have learned and experienced for the benefit of others.
Philip and Rebecca experienced their first visit with Jesus Christ about 20 years ago. Since then, they have been working hard to teach and help others to experience the same.
There is limited space for this event, so please RSVP as soon as possible. We will try to accommodate as many participants as possible. Due to the nature of the event, we ask that only those who are personally interested and spiritually mature attend. (Suggested minimum age is 14 or older.)
If you would like to participate in this Elliaison Special Event, send an email with the Subject Line: "Returning to His Presence" to:
In the body of the email, include your Name, Contact Phone Number, Email Address and how many people you would like to bring.
These emails will be forwarded to Philip and Rebecca who will respond with a Registration Confirmation, the Event Address and Preparation Instructions.
With Love,