
D&C 93
30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.

So very often we find ourselves sharing truth with people who are simply not in the same sphere as we are. This goes both directions. We could share our testimony about the truthfulness of the principle of tithing to someone who lives the law of consecration. In the sphere where the law of tithing is truth, it is truth but in a higher sphere…or higher law, it is only recognized as preparatory…possibly seen as a “tradition”. This makes the plan so beautiful and personal. It keeps us learning and progressing. We change and move into higher laws, higher spheres. The light changes. Each level along the way presents higher truths that stand independent of all other spheres. This is partially why great progress can come in times of doubt or question. Sometimes those questions come when one is moving from one sphere into another.

We might have said, “the spirit taught me” such and such so I know it is true (and you should know it is true as well). And while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing and almost never done with the intent of being rude or derogatory…it sure can come across as such for those who are in a different sphere…because where they are IT IS NOT TRUE…and guess what, the spirit will testify to them it is not true. 🙂 Funny how that works.

Now the fun part comes when we realize that the sphere we are living in is our condemnation. Condemnation meaning: being bound by laws that must be fulfilled in order to progress.

We recognize laws that must be fulfilled, fulfill them…and progress some more. As we go to that next sphere we realize that the truth of sphere A is not the same as sphere B. There was a progression, an evolution. We get to “re-learn” everything. Everything from white shirt and tie to prayer and fasting. All previous truths are up for question and progression.

It might seem very confusing and unfair but actually it is a beautiful thing. In this we are “[our] own judges, whether to do good or do evil”. (Alma 41:7)

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