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Re: Light and Knowledge [message #2201 is a reply to message #2068] Sun, 10 February 2013 17:14 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
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I sometimes feel like I make quantum jumps in my explanations of things as I understand them expecting readers to be able to follow. It is for that reason that I now provide more explanation for what I have before given.

The following treatise is in reference to light as a fundamental building block of all creation. To establish this as a feasibility, some (hopefully) shared definitions ought to be reviewed.

We learn from Einstein's equation, E=MC^2 that energy (or light) and mass are related by the constant of C^2 which is a speed factor. Therefore, light is mass (or matter) that has been "accelerated." Further information is warranted here. We learn from particle physics and quantum mechanics that matter is composed of different size particles that have certain energy states. These energy states are related to different "accelerations" or speeds. We should learn two things from all of this: 1.) there is an infinite continuum of particles and 2.) there is an infinite continuum of speeds or accelerations. Therefore, there is an infinite continuum of energy states. If we define "energy" as "light," then there is an infinite continuum of light. This is what we have in man's juvenile concept of the Electro-magnetic Wave Spectrum. I state that this concept is somewhat juvenile because there are other forces besides electro magnetism, whose nature is yet to be discovered. (Such as the "strong force" that holds like charged protons together in the nucleus of an atom or gravity.)

In Young's experiment, aka the double-slit experiment, it was observed, and confusingly so for uninspired man, that light was both a particle and a wave. As I have come to understand, light is a particle that exhibits wave like characteristics depending upon its energy state. In other words, light or energy is a particle that vibrates at various frequencies. As stated in the previous paragraph, there is an infinite continuum of particles or objects ranging from the infintesimately small to the gi-normous planetary objects that we see in the heavens (that are composed of the infinitesimally smaller particles.) Too, these "objects" vibrate at different frequencies from zero vibrations to an infinity of vibrations per unit time. A few definitions are now needed to allow these principles to jell. Matter is nothing more than light that has "fallen" or lost energy and become dark with minimal vibrations per unit time. The apparent simile and witness to this can be found in the effect that temperature (light) has upon matter in our telestial sphere. When ambient temperature is "low" around water (as an example) it becomes a solid, raising the temperature to above a certain level (our 32 degrees Farenheit or 0 degrees Centigrade) that solid becomes a liquid and so forth. This is an example of what happens when one kind of light (heat) interacts with another kind of light (water) - (remember they are different particles that are vibrating at different frequencies) - producing a transforming effect because of their interaction. The relatively "unexcited" or "non-vibrating" or "minimally vibrating" particle becomes solid . . . taking on more mass as like particles that are slowed down combine with it. Water is a great example of what I am trying to illustrate because when it is raised in temperature and acquires more energy through the "absorbtion" of heat (a higher frequency and different particle of light,) it turns gaseous and disappears from human sight.

It was reasoned by our early scientists that the universe was filled with an "ether" that was everywhere present. Based upon modern day scriptures found in Doctrine and Covenants 88 we learn that this essence or ether is the light of Christ. At this juncture, it is necessary that we shift our paradigm slightly and in addition to defining this light, the light of Christ, as mere "energy," we ought to consider its effect as "comprehension" as well; such as bringing a concept to "light" or being "enlightened." In this fashion, it shouldn't take too much stretching to realize that the light of Christ is that "energy" which provides communication to intelligences. That communication would necessarily take the form of knowledge. If this particular ether, energy, or light has the effect of transmitting information or knowledge, then it would be of little wonder why it would be called the light of "Christ." It would have the capability of communicating the information and knowledge of goodness. It would become a "carrier" of knowledge and comprehension. It is a particular kind of light . . . a more refined particle at a very high frequency of vibration. It fills the universe and is everywhere present as a particle in vibration. (Earlier I stated that huger particles or objects were composed of various other "smaller" particles that were vibrating at different rates. Of all the particles that exist in various objects, the Light of Christ would be included in all things.)

Because we are bound by time, it appears to us that the light takes a definite amount of time to proceed from point A to point B at a constant velocity; however, in the Pearl of Great Price in Abraham, it becomes apparent that wherever two facts exist, there shall be one higher still. The speed of light is not constant, but is a continuum, depending upon the frequency or excitation thereof. Scripturally, the higher the frequency, oscillation, or excitation, the greater the "quickening." This process of gaining more energy through excitation is known as "quickening." Because there are different types of light (particles sizes) and different frequencies, the energy or "additional excitation" that is received is the "light of Christ." Oneness is obtained with the Holy Ghost via the "light of Christ" when resonance occurs - you could call it a reinforcing "harmonic" that is received by our spirits as "peace" and ultimately "love."

The following analogy is introduced to provide a concept of what happens and our interaction with the divine. The relationship that we have with the various members of the Godhead can be likened to a radio station. Heavenly Father is the owner of the radio station; Jesus the Christ is the chief executive officer; the Holy Ghost is the radio announcer and the light of Christ is the air wave carrying the message to our "radio receivers" or spirits if we are tuned to the right station. The message that we receive may be a Telestial one coming from the Holy Ghost; a Terrestrial one coming from the Son; or a Celestial one coming from the Father.

Please bear in mind that the original intent of this treatise was to establish that light is the building block of all things in existance. I now refer to the scriptures to provide some substantiation and to identify two specific kinds of light that is referenced.

(James 1:17.)

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

It is interesting that Heavenly Father is called the "Father of lights" in this reference. We know that He is the Father of our spirits . . . could this new concept shed light to our understanding? Could it enlighten us? Is the spirit related to light? If it is, then we are well on our way in establishing an organizational principle and a building block as we have intended.

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:29.)

29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

This reference informs us that intelligence is the light of truth. This alludes to the fact that intelligence is the "comprehension" of truth, but there is more . . . .

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:36.)

36 The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth.

Here the definition of intelligence is the "light and truth." The difference with this verse and the first scripture given is that instead of defining intelligence as light OF truth, it states "light AND truth." Could this mean that this latter verse is talking about light in general and not a specific kind of light?

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:24.)

24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;

Here truth is defined as "knowledge." Putting things in perspective, then. Intelligence is the light of knowledge or the comprehension of knowledge. Intelligence to me means the proper application of knowledge. Knowledge, as truth, appears to be one kind of light and intelligence appears to be another kind of light . . . kind of like "a light of light" sort of thing. Intelligence is the application of light, but it is also light. Hence, Heavenly Father really is the Father of lights.

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:30.)

30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.

Stated in another way, by using a previously given scriptural definition and key: All "knowledge" (that is what truth is; what it boils down to) is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence. We have two kinds of light identified by scripture and they are independent of one another. They interact, as all things do (because everything consists of different organizations of light or energy) in ways to bring about "enlightenment" to the mind (in the case of the Light of Christ) and "intelligence" to our intelligences. (Please note that the Lectures on Faith state that the Holy Spirit is the mind of the Father and the Son.) The prophet, Joseph Smith revealed that our mind is co-eternal with God in Teachings of the Prophet. I am confident that he was referring to our intelligence.
In the discussion that ensued relative to intelligence and truth, we learned that intelligence is the light of truth or in other words, the light of knowledge. It would be beneficial to recognize that there is a difference in the type or "quality" of light that each possesses. (When we relate "quality" it is important not to offer the typical "superior" vs. "inferior" classifications thereto, but rather different sources.) Intelligence comes from one source and knowledge comes from another. They are different forms of light. Intelligence and knowledge are obtained in different manners. I should like to divert from the initial topic to elaborate scripturally upon this.

(Doctrine and Covenants 130:18-19.)

18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
19 And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.

By symmetry, it should be observed that knowledge is obtained through diligence and intelligence is obtained through obedience. Knowledge is from an external source; whereas, intelligence is from an internal source. Knowledge comes from the outside in; whereas, intelligence comes (or is manifest) from the inside out. One is by virtue of the light of Christ and the other, by virtue of the Holy Ghost. One is of the mind and the other is of the heart. One is information and the other is of understanding. Intelligence is the proper application of knowledge.

(Doctrine and Covenants 84:45-46.)

45 For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
46 And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.

Because this scripture speaks of "hearkening" to the voice of the Spirit, it speaks of obedience. If intelligence is gained by obedience as previously noted, then intelligence is gained through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Knowledge, then, is gained from the Light of Christ and intelligence is gained from the Spirit of Christ. They are different forms and sources of light from above.

(Doctrine and Covenants 131:7-8.)

7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.

Again, to reiterate, spirit is light . . . observed from prior discussion, but here it is stated thru scriptural definition that spirit is matter. By inference, therefore, we substantiate that light is also matter or particulate. The process of purification, then, in my opinion, is to "shed" all of the "lower frequency" or "unquickened" forms of light.

(Doctrine and Covenants 88:11-13.)

11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space--
13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.

Referring to the analogy of the radio station, the messages relayed through the light of Christ enlighten our mind through knowledge and quickeneth our understanding depending upon the source. In my opinion, this scripture speaks of "spiritual" light or that which carries the message to our spirits within, being the Holy Spirit (understanding that this is the "combination" of the light of Christ, Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Christ.) This is that which giveth life to all things, but also the law by which things are governed.

(Doctrine and Covenants 88:34-40.)

34 And again, verily I say unto you, that which is governed by law is also preserved by law and perfected and sanctified by the same.
35 That which breaketh a law, and abideth not by law, but seeketh to become a law unto itself, and willeth to abide in sin, and altogether abideth in sin, cannot be sanctified by law, neither by mercy, justice, nor judgment. Therefore, they must remain filthy still.
36 All kingdoms have a law given;
37 And there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom.
38 And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions.
39 All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified.
40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.

These verses reveal many things relative to law. I should like to point out verse 37 particularly in talking about the many kingdoms . . . microscopic to us and also macroscopic . . . particles ranging from enormous to infinitesimal in size. To us, they could be galaxies, planets, etc. down to atoms, electrons, muons, etc. with the myriad of "kingdoms" in between and beyond. They all have laws and "degrees of freedom" or bounds to their capabilities or ability to act and obey. Verse 40 is also key in understanding the unifying principles upon which these intelligences join together. The foremost and over-arching principle, in my opinion and experience is love. It seems to be a type of "resonance" that occurs between the intelligences - including God. It is that point when we truly become "one." The power; therefore, of the priesthood resides in the ability of intelligences to recognize one having authority (and authority only) to act in the name of Heavenly Father. By vocalization upon the "carrier" of the light of Christ and the "oneness" described, communication is established and the intelligences, using their agency, obey. The power is attained through the law given and common consent in obedience. Hopefully there is order and not chaos; intelligences that obey versus those that do not and act with randomness.

(Doctrine and Covenants 88:49.)

49 The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him.

That which is "unenlightened" does not receive the "spiritual light" and looses intelligence in the process; therefore their freedom and ability to act is greatly diminished because they become random and "individualized."

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:39.)

39 And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers.

It would appear that either we are gaining light or we are loosing it. Gaining it is the process of progression . . . the great "becoming one with God" versus the process of damnation . . . the great "becoming isolated." Thank goodness for repentance and the light and Spirit of Christ.

(Doctrine and Covenants 93:33.)

33 For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;

Highly quickened, organized, and diverse particles of energy (or light) constituting intelligences in their myriad of environments and abilities receive joy and happiness in this oneness and union. This previous verse infers, with careful reading and analysis, that even the elements (not so quickened light) receives joy, too, when united with that which is more "pure" (finer particles at a higher quickened state.) This may provide a clue as to what happens in the resurrection when we arise with a "spiritual" body; the whole becoming "quickened." How much a fire can a little spark kindle? How much a "quickening" can a small amount of excitement or enthusiasm or joy or love or even a smile can generate. These things are light. All things are light until they die a spiritual death. Instead of radiating light or reflecting light, they have to absorb it in order to survive. Such is the nature of the various kingdoms. A Celestial kingdom will radiate their light; a terrestrial will reflect; and a telestial will absorb.

(Doctrine and Covenants 88:28-32.)

28 They who are of a celestial spirit shall receive the same body which was a natural body; even ye shall receive your bodies, and your glory shall be that glory by which your bodies are quickened.
29 Ye who are quickened by a portion of the celestial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness.
30 And they who are quickened by a portion of the terrestrial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness.
31 And also they who are quickened by a portion of the telestial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness.
32 And they who remain shall also be quickened; nevertheless, they shall return again to their own place, to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received.

Hopefully, if you have read this post and haven't been discouraged and bewildered by my first one about the subject, you have been enlightened and rewarded by the insight . . . if any is to be had. I have not sought to "bend" the light in this new communication, but through simplification have tried to bring it directly. In this way there is no "magic, smoke, and mirrors," but their opposite of "clarity, reality, and windows." I hope that you have gained understanding, if of anything . . . of what I covertly expressed before. Please let your light shine.

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery
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