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Upcoming Events - World War III [message #127] Tue, 13 July 2010 05:42 Go to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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In reading through the list of prophecies on the second coming, I have come to conclude the next major event is World War III. This will happen after the formation of the Independent American Party as a third political party in the United States and after America has spent all its military budget on foreign wars. (Both of which may have already happened.) This is a war in which Russia and her allies attempt to divide up the United States. In this war, half of the military will desert for lack of funds and lack of morale. In this war, the 'boys from the hills' will come in and give divine guidance to the remainder of the US Military, leading them to victory. This is the time at which the Constitution will hang by a thread and be saved by the church. I am hoping to collect all the prophecies which fit into these events and paint as complete a picture of this upcoming war as possible.

From personal revelation, I have seen different states will be hit with varying degrees of damage. My estimated time frame for this war is 2020. I am interested to hear what personal revelations you have had on this subject.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #130 is a reply to message #127] Thu, 15 July 2010 08:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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The first source to point you to is a book called Prophecy, Key to the Future by Duane S. Crowther. Within this book, there is a list of the Chronological Order of the prophecies. Within this book is the following quote from The Life Story of Mosiah Lyman Hancock.

The next day the Prophet came to our home and stopped in our carpenter shop and stood by the turning lathe. I went and got my map for him. "Now", he said, "I will show you the travels of this people". He then showed our travels through Iowa, and said, "Here you will make a place for the winter; and here you will travel west until you come to the valley of the Great Salt Lake! You will build cities to the North and to the South, and to the East and to the West; and you will become a great and wealthy people in that land. But, the United States will not receive you with the laws which God desires you to live, and you will have to go to where the Nephites lost their power. They worked in the United Order for 166 years, and the Saints have got to become proficient in the laws of God before they can meet the Lord Jesus Christ, or even the city of Enoch". He said we will not travel the shape of the horse shoe for there we will await the action of the government. Placing his finger on the map, I should think about where Snowflake, Arizona is situated, or it could have been Mexico, he said, "The government will not receive you with the laws that God designed you to live, and those who are desirous to live the laws of God will have to go South. You will live to see men arise in power in the Church who will seek to put down your friends and the friends of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many will be hoisted because of their money and the worldly learning which they seem to be in possession of; and many who are the true followers of our Lord and Savior will be cast down because of their poverty. There will be two great political parties in this country. One will be called the Republican, and the other the Democrat party. These two parties will go to war and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party. The United States will spend her strength and means warring in foreign lands until other nations will say, "Let's divide up the lands of the United States", then the people of the U. S. will unite and swear by the blood of their fore-fathers, that the land shall not be divided. Then the country will go to war, and they will fight until one half of the U. S. army will give up, and the rest will continue to struggle. They will keep on until they are very ragged and discouraged, and almost ready to give up--when the boys from the mountains will rush forth in time to save the American Army from defeat and ruin. And they will say, 'Brethren, we are glad you have come; give us men, henceforth, who can talk with God'. Then you will have friends, but you will save the country when it's liberty hangs by a hair, as it were".


Crowther continues to detail parts of this war with additional quotes in his companion book: Inspired Prophetic Warnings. There is an extensive quote from the Journal of President Wilford Woodruff which gives very grim details. What I am trying to determine from all these is if they are different parts of a very long war, scenes from different wars, or all part of the same horrible war. As the Independent American Party was mentioned specifically by Smith, I would not think the Tea Party under the name of the Tea Party will fulfill this prophecy. I believe there are other quotes to gather on this subject and so I am seeking help from the group to identify prophecies which have already been made public.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #132 is a reply to message #130] Fri, 16 July 2010 08:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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The American Independent Party does exist today, though it's membership does not rise above 400,000. It has in the past supported George Wallace as a Presidential candidate and did win some of the electoral votes in the 1960's. The important point to watch is the statement "These two parties will go to war and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party."
Does this mean a literal war between the two parties, or does this refer to the mudslinging which goes on all the time? If the candidacy of George Wallace were to suffice to fulfill this part of the prophecy, then the next portion could be speaking about the Korean and Vietnam wars. However, I am not aware of anything which could be interpreted as the US military accepting divine guidance to overcome its enemies or having the gospel thereafter shine forth to the point Zion can be built in the mid-west. The implications here are the United States will war within itself, stabilizing only after a three party system is established, and after spreading our troops too much around the globe having our enemies decide that together they can take us down and divide up the land. This is still a preparatory war because after this event the nation as a whole seems to embrace the light of the gospel as never before.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #571 is a reply to message #132] Wed, 27 June 2012 14:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kenh is currently offline  kenh
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Elder B. H. Roberts, writing his Comprehensive History of the Church, explained that "The 'City of Zion' . . . contemplates not so much one immense city as a succession of cities of moderate size, throughout the land, and together considered as one city: 'It is supposed,' said Joseph Smith, . . . 'that such a plat when built up will contain fifteen or twenty thousand population . . . When this square is thus laid off and supplied,' said the Prophet, 'lay off another in the same way, and so fill up the world in these last days, and let every man live in the city, for this is the city of Zion'--that is, a succession of cities of moderate size of which the one to be erected at Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, is to be the center place" (A Comprehensive History of the Church 3:282-283, note).
The concept of Zion as a center place for the Lord's millennial reign is based on the image of a tent that is pitched with its stakes extended and firmly planted to provide stability and strength to the center structure (see Isaiah 33:20). Two early leaders of the Restored Church explain the proper terminology to be used: "Let me here take the liberty to say to this congregation," Elder Orson Pratt wrote, "that the City of Zion, when it is built in Jackson County, will not be called a Stake. We can find no mention in all the revelations that God has given, that the City of Zion is to be the Centre Stake of Zion; the Lord never called it a Stake in any revelation that has been given. It is to be the head quarters, it is to be the place where the Son of Man will come and dwell, where He will have a Temple, in which Temple there will be a throne prepared where Jesus will dwell in the midst of His people; it will be the great central city, and the outward branches will be called Stakes wherever they shall be organized as such" (Journal of Discourses 22:35).

Elder Orson F. Whitney further elaborated: "Jackson County, Missouri, is the chosen site for the City of Zion. No other place has been or will be appointed for that purpose. All other gathering places of God's people are Stakes of Zion, holding the outside cords and curtains of the spiritual Tabernacle of the Lord. Zion's first Stake was at Kirtland, Ohio; and other stakes were organized in Missouri, Illinois, and Iowa. All these have been abandoned; but many others, since established, now flourish. . . . Zion is greater than any of her stakes" (Saturday Night Thoughts, 183).

(We will build Zion-like cities around each of the temples in the western hemisphere during the seventh seal period after Adam-ondi-Ahman. Most last day saints will gather to the Rocky Mountains and when the destruction of those cities is complete, then the saints who have survived the cleansing process will level off the rumble that remains and lay out streets around each temple that remains. The streets will be each 132 ft wide and follow the city of Zion pattern until many 15,000-20,000 member cities are built in the Rocky Mountains and these saints will dwell there into the Millennium. Christ will visit them in the Rocky Mountains. Most last day saints will not go and live in Jackson County, Missouri. Our missionaries who have already been called home to the western hemisphere before then will be sent out, after the cleansing of the western hemisphere takes place soon, to preach to the terrestrial nonmembers who also survived the cleansing process throughout the western hemisphere and millions upon millions of Lamanites will join the church through these efforts and they too will build Zion-like cities around the temples in their area (This is when the Lamanites will blossom as a rose) and they will live in those cities of Zion into the Millennium.)

Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (April 6 and October 22, 1845)
"A great, a glorious, and a mighty work is yet to be achieved, in spreading the truth and kingdom among the Gentiles--in restoring, organizing, instructing and establishing the Jews--in gathering, instructing, relieving, civilizing, educating, and administering salvation to the remnant of Israel on this continent--in building Jerusalem in Palestine, and the cities, stakes, temples, and sanctuaries of Zion in America; and in gathering the Gentiles into the same covenant and organization--instructing them in all things for their sanctification and preparation, that the whole Church of the Saints, both Gentile, Jew and Israel, may be prepared as a bride for the coming of the Lord. . . .
Again, we say, by the word of the Lord, to the people as well as to the rulers, your aid and your assistance is required in this great work; and you are hereby invited, in the name of Jesus, to take an active part in it from this day forward.
Open your churches, doors, and hearts for the truth; hear the apostles and elders of the Church of the Saints when they come into your cities and neighborhoods; read and search the scriptures carefully, and see whether these things are so; read the publications of the Saints, and help to publish them to others; seek for the witness of the Spirit, and come and obey the glorious fulness of the gospel, and help us to build the cities and sanctuaries of our God. . . .
To this city [Zion or New Jerusalem], and to its several branches or stakes, shall the Gentiles seek, as to a standard of light and knowledge; yea, the nations, and their kings and nobles shall say--Come, and let us go up to the Mount Zion, and to the temple of the Lord, where his holy priesthood stand to minister continually before the Lord; and where we may be instructed more fully, and receive the ordinances of remission, and of sanctification, and redemption, and thus be adopted into the family of Israel, and identified in the same covenants of promise. . . .
The city of Zion, with its sanctuary and priesthood, and the glorious fulness of the gospel, will constitute a standard which will put an end to jarring creeds and political wranglings, by uniting the republics, states, provinces, territories, nations, tribes, kindred, tongues, people, and sects of North and South America in one great and common bond of brotherhood; while truth and knowledge shall make them free, and love cement their union."

(One by one starting with the United States of America, each country will bow the knee and accept the theocracy under Christ established at AOA until all of the western hemisphere is under Christ's rule and reign during the seventh seal before He comes in glory. There will be no more borders dividing us in to individual countries or states. Truly then the Lamanites shall blossom as a rose.)

"The Lord also shall be their king and their lawgiver; while wars shall cease and peace prevail for a thousand years. . . . "
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #578 is a reply to message #571] Wed, 27 June 2012 18:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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These are all wonderful quotes, and I am filled with the joy of the Spirit in reading them. Do you have any like them for WWIII? All of these quotes pertain to the building of Zion, which takes place several years after WWIV.

For clarification, WWIII relates to a war between Christians and Muslims, Communists, and Buddhists. It involves the 'apostacy of Rome' leaded the war effort on the one hand, and unspecified leaders of the Communist Coalition. It is a time when America stretches its armies too thin around the globe, England and France become friends, the debt crisis of the American Government prevents further military development and spending, and Russia building up its might, greater than it ever was, or will be again. This will be the last great fight of the Bear. Russia and China will invade the U.S. and mostly conquer it. The army will be depleted, demoralized, and decimated. The only thing to save the country is when the remaining military leaders call for aide from the church. The church sends inspired men to lead the armies, and at the same time, calls on the church leadership around the nation to raise the title of liberty, and call the people to arms in defense of their liberty. These twin efforts overthrow the Russians so badly, the bulk of their forces or military equipment are lost, and they never recover from it. The Chinese are repelled from American soil, but remain a threat for future wars. It is this time when the constitution hangs by a thread and is saved by the members of the church. It is at the end of this war when the Church will have 'friends in Washington'.

Furthermore, Joseph Smith said the time frame for this war will be shortly after the war between the Democrats and the Republicans.

That's where I'm trying to focus my research, but always be mindful of what is next.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #579 is a reply to message #578] Wed, 27 June 2012 22:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kenh is currently offline  kenh
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Thank you for your comments. The cleansing of the western hemisphere is the war that will be when Russian, Chinese and North Korean troops hit the US with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. I am taking my thoughts from John Taylor's dream account (He gave it to Wilford Woodruff to put into Wilford's personal journal) about the east coast being nearly depopulated as well as Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri becoming a wilderness. The saints have before then gathered to mostly the tops of the mountains. The Rocky Mountain states have been though a lot but the church will be cleansed and the wise virgins remain. These things pave the way for us to experience Adam-ondi-Ahman. The elders have been called home to the western hemisphere to help defeat the invading forces as you said when the country's survival hangs in the balance. We will see how it all falls into place as we take the Holy Spirit as our guide. The days of easy preparation are quickly coming to an end, so is the lack of persecution of the saints that we enjoy now. The little horn mentioned in Revelations persecuting the saints for 42 months is going to start in the near future. Thanks again for your comments on this subject.
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #589 is a reply to message #579] Thu, 28 June 2012 16:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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I thank you for your zeal in these matters. As for me, I believe there will be a time of relative peace in the United States between the time the Russians and Chinese are expelled and the use of nuclear bombs and biologicals. That is why I call the nuclear war WWIV.

That said, I do feel a need to examine all prophecies in the making of this book. Can you post a link, or the prophecy itself, so I can read through the text and we can discuss the passages?

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #591 is a reply to message #589] Thu, 28 June 2012 19:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kenh is currently offline  kenh
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The reason that I feel that this vision was seen by John Taylor is that John Taylor knew the French language being born in Toronto, Canada, whereas Wilford Woodruff I do not think knew French.

"I went to bed as usual at about 7:30PM. I had been read­ing a revela­tion in the French lan­guage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible, so I composed myself for sleep, but could not. I felt a strange feeling come over me and apparently be­came partially uncon­scious. Still I was not asleep, nor ex­actly awake, with dreary feeling. The first thing that I recognized was that I was in the tabernacle of Ogden, Utah. I was sit­ting in the back part of the build­ing for fear they would call on me to preach, which however they did, for after sing­ing the second time they called me to the stand.

I arose to speak and said that I did­n't know that I had anything es­pecially to say, ex­cept to bear my tes­timony of the Latter-day work, when all at once it seemed as if I was lifted out of myself and I said, "Yes, I have something to say and that is this: Some of my brethren have been ask­ing, "What is be­coming of us? What is the wind blowing?" I will answer you right here what is coming very shortly."

I was then in a dream, im­mediately in the city of Salt Lake, and wandering around in the streets and in all parts of the city, and on the doors of the houses I found badges of mourn­ing and I could not find a house but was in mourning. I passed my own house and found the same sign there, and I asked the ques­tion, "Is that me that is dead?" Someone gave me the an­swer, "No, you will get through it all."

It seemed strange to me that I saw no person in the streets in all my wan­dering around the coun­try. I seemed to be in their houses with the sick, but saw no funeral proces­sion, nor anything of the kind, but the city looking still and as though the people were praying. And it seemed that they had controlled the dis­ease, but what the dis­ease was I did not learn; it was not made known to me. I then looked over the country, north, east, south, and west, and the same mourning was in every land and in every place.

The next thing I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It seemed though I was above the earth, and look­ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav­eling to the moun­tains on foot. I won­dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re­markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn't seem to me as though the cars were run­ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban­doned; and I have no con­ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo­ple.

I continued east by the way of Omaha and Council Bluffs, which were full of disease. There were women every­where. The state of Illinois and Mis­souri were in a tumult, men killing one an­other, women joining the fight­ing, fam­ily against family in the most horrid manner.

I imagined next that I was in Wash­ington and I found desola­tion there. The White House was empty and the Halls of Congress the same, and everything in ru­ins. The people seemed to have left the city and left it to take care of itself.

I was in Baltimore. In the square where the Monument of 1812 stands in front of the Char­les Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the street square. I saw mothers cutting the throats of their own children for their blood. I saw them suck it from their throats to quench their own thirst and then lie down and die. The water of Che­sapeake Bay was stagnant, and the stench arising from it on ac­count of their throw­ing their bod­ies into it so terrible, that the very smell carried death with it. I saw no man ex­cept they were dead or dying in the streets and very few women. Those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condi­tion. Everywhere I went I beheld the same sights all over the city; it was terrible be­yond description to look upon.

I thought this must be the end; but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of Philadel­phia. There eve­rything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the whole city was with­out any inhabi­tants. In the south of Chestnut Street and in fact everywhere I went, the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impos­sible for any living thing to breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

Next I found myself in Broadway, in the city of New York, and there it seemed the people had done the best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broad­way I saw the bodies of beautiful women lying, some dead and oth­ers in a dy­ing condition, on the sidewalks. I saw men come out of cellars and ravish the per­sons of some that were yet alive and then kill them and rob their bodies of all the valu­ables they had upon them. Then before they could get back to the cellar they would roll over a time or two and die in ag­ony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw flesh, and in a few minutes die them­selves. Every­where I went I saw the same scene of horror and de­struction and death and rap­ine.

No car­riages, buggies, or cars were running; but death and de­struc­tion were every­where. Then I saw fire start and just at that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and car­ried the flames over the city and it burned until there was not a sin­gle building left standing there, even down to the waters edge. Wharves and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the "great city" was a short time ago. The stench from the bodies that were burn­ing was so great that it was carried a long dis­tance cross the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it pene­trated. I cannot paint in words the horror that seemed to compass me about; it was beyond description of man.

I sup­posed this was the end; but it was not. I was given to understand the same horror was being en­acted all over the coun­try, east, west, north, and south. Few were left alive, still there were some.

Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the Mis­souri River, opposite e the City of In­de­pendence, but there was no city. I saw the whole state of Missouri and Illi­nois and all of Iowa, a complete desert with no living being there. A short dis­tance from the river how­ever, I saw twelve men dressed in temple robes, stand­ing in a square or nearly so (and I under­stood it repre­sented the Twelve Gates of the New Jerusa­lem.) Their hands were uplifted in consecration of the ground and lay­ing the corner stone of the tem­ple. I saw myraids of an­gels hovering over them, and saw also an immense pil­lar of clouds over them and heard the angels singing the most heav­enly music. The words were "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

I saw people com­ing from the river and from the desert places a long way off to help build the temple and it seemed that hosts of an­gels all helped to get material to build with and I saw some of them who wore temple clothes come and build the tem­ple and the city, and all the time I saw the great pillar of clouds hovering over the place.

Instantly, however, I found my­self again in the taber­nacle at Ogden. And yet, I could still see the building go on and I got quite animated in call­ing on the people in the tabernacle to listen to the beautiful music, for the an­gels were singing the same music I had heard be­fore. "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

At this I seemed to stagger back from the pulpit and Brother Francis D. Richards and some others caught my arm and prevented me from falling. Then I fin­ished so abruptly. Still even then I had not fainted, but was simply ex­hausted.

Then I rolled over in bed and awoke just as the city clock was strik­ing twelve."

This could be a different war than the one that will start in the near future.

Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #605 is a reply to message #591] Mon, 02 July 2012 00:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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I have read this vision before, and I am using it to establish part of the timeline. This vision shows what I call World War IV. A biological plague will be unleashed upon the world after the Saints have all been gathered safely in.
World War III will be the cause for persecution rising again until the Saints are all driven from all lands but the Western United States. While most of the world will experience one continual round of war from the start of WWIII, in America we will have a period of prosperity and relative peace. Very shortly after the Saints flee from the Eastern United States, the biological weapons will do what the above referenced vision shows, as well as what many many others have seen and written about, including John the Revelator, and Nephi.
What I am looking for are prophecies specifically speaking about the invasion of the United States and the dividing of the land which is halted by the Title of Liberty, Boys from the Hills, etc.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #2354 is a reply to message #579] Mon, 01 April 2013 20:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Earthchild is currently offline  Earthchild
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Isn't North Korea about to start WWIII?

kenh wrote on Wed, 27 June 2012 22:46

Thank you for your comments. The cleansing of the western hemisphere is the war that will be when Russian, Chinese and North Korean troops hit the US with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. I am taking my thoughts from John Taylor's dream account (He gave it to Wilford Woodruff to put into Wilford's personal journal) about the east coast being nearly depopulated as well as Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri becoming a wilderness. The saints have before then gathered to mostly the tops of the mountains. The Rocky Mountain states have been though a lot but the church will be cleansed and the wise virgins remain. These things pave the way for us to experience Adam-ondi-Ahman. The elders have been called home to the western hemisphere to help defeat the invading forces as you said when the country's survival hangs in the balance. We will see how it all falls into place as we take the Holy Spirit as our guide. The days of easy preparation are quickly coming to an end, so is the lack of persecution of the saints that we enjoy now. The little horn mentioned in Revelations persecuting the saints for 42 months is going to start in the near future. Thanks again for your comments on this subject.

Re: Upcoming Events - World War III [message #2395 is a reply to message #2354] Mon, 29 April 2013 15:24 Go to previous message
bishop is currently offline  bishop
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There are two books that I have read the last two months concerning these events which contain recent dreams and visions. The first book that is written by John Pontius is "Visions of Glory." This tells of a man's visions of life during UN occupancy of the US after nukes and biological weapons have been used and after there are great and violent earthquakes on the west coast, in the Intermountain West, and in the central US. It is possible that these are man made quakes. I do not know. The author implies that they are natural disasters, but does not approach the thought that they could be man made [like the Fukishima Tsunami is purported to be in certain circles]. I would bet that they coincide too nicely with the occupational troops to be natural, but I can't say for sure.

The second book that has interesting insights into future events is "Dreams, Visions & Testimonies of the Last Days Volume ll" by Christopher M. Parrett. This book contains dreams and visions of "last days groupies" [my term for them] who have seen a future wherein the prophet calls the most faithful saints who have their year's supply of food out to secret refuges, some of which the people have "documented proof." This is referred to as "the call out." After the call out, and after the purging of the US, these refuge camps become the nucleus of what are called "Light Cities." Some of the visions and dreams in the book seem to contradict each other, especially in reference to the foreign armies in the US. Also, these visions and dreams don't always seem to corroborate the visions in "Visions of Glory." However, both books can be said to point to the same events, especially as they relate to establishing Zion.

I found both books interesting and enlightening and downright terrifying. The books did, however, show how God would preserve the faithful through the times of great tribulation, and how this would be a prelude to times of great peace and prosperity for the righteous. Both books imply that this could happen very soon. The second book thinks it should have happened by now.

Neither book zeroed in on WWlll, per se. However, both talked about dealing with foreign troops in the US. In the first book, the foreign troops gradually became non-issues as Zion took on her strength. In the second book, some of the people refer to fighting the foreigners and others refer to the marshal law enforced by the foreigners.

I recommend that you read these and see whether you feel they are helpful in your quest to understand the possible ramifications of upcoming events. I found them interesting, however I have to believe that they must be subject to scrutiny as we sort out what is really coming our way.

Another book that I found helpful is Cleon Skousen's, "The Cleansing of America." This book has a very similar message to the previously mentioned books. It has been awhile since I read it, but as I recall, it deals with how the foreign troops will fail in their attempt to take over the US. It also deals with the major plague that will cleanse the country.

I hope you find these references helpful. As the dollar continues to collapse, it is easy to ascertain that this cleansing process has already begun.

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