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Rev. 8 [message #50] Tue, 15 June 2010 17:48
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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Registered: June 2010
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Here is the rest of Revelation 8 with comments and cross-references.


There are two ways to interpret these signs. The first is a more literal interpretation. In this interpretation, there will be hailfire upon the whole earth, destroying 1/3rd of the trees and all the grasses. Also, a giant rock, on fire from entering our atmosphere will strike the sea, killing 1/3rd of the fish and 1/3 of the boats. Additionally, in this great rain of terror, 1/3 of the rivers will be made bitter, as well as the springs. Many will die from drinking this contaminated water. Fourth, all of these will cause enough dust in the atmosphere to block out the sun for 1/3 of the day. There will still be stars in the heavens, but only 2/3 of them will still be visible. If all four of these are simultaneous events, this speaks of a great meteor or comet falling from the sky which strikes the sea and contaminates much of the world's water supply.

The other path of interpretation would be very symbolic. For this, we would need to identify what each of the symbols mean. If this is symbolic of things of the spirit only, this speaks of one of high position falling from their position to a point they drag 1/3rd of the church with them. This interpretation is hard for me to accept as there is everything from the grass to the fish to the stars involved. 1/3rd of all these things is killed or blotted out.

I ask for your interpretation of these events. Are there events in the past which might be interpreted as fulfillment of these events? I don't believe so, but I am willing to listen. Please keep in mind, these plagues are Satan's response to the Kingdom of God being fully manifested on the Earth, as we discussed previously.

- Dragon

[Updated on: Tue, 15 June 2010 19:15]

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