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The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2744] Wed, 18 September 2013 13:29 Go to next message
Seeker is currently offline  Seeker
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I had a private conversation with Claymore. I really liked the way that my response came together and wanted to share it with the group in hopes that it will be of use to others. Claymore asked,
"The light I refer to is the spiritual light given to us. It is a little abstract to me and therefore I have a hard time comprehending what it is. I know light with truth is intelligence. I'm just trying to understand what The Lord is trying to teach concerning these things. Last night I had a visual symbol of the moon come to me concerning light. We gain or lose light based upon our faithfulness to the truths we are taught. So does the moon waxes or wanes in light until it is full or devoid of light. There is no standing still. The increase or decrease in light is so subtle that it is barely noticed. So it is with us. I wonder if light has to do with aura or glory of a person. I also wonder if it is related to the Spirit's ability to communicate with us and our ability to comprehend the mysteries of God. Our mind and spirit become enlarged and enlighten based on our faithfulness to the truths learned and applied. Thought?"

Consider the following:
Doctrine and Covenants 84:45
45 For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

This light is called the Light of Christ, the light of truth, the spirit of Jesus, AND INTELLIGENCE.

The Light which you are talking about is both physical and spiritual in nature. Physical meaning you can touch/see/taste/etc it. Spiritual meaning things that can't be touched like knowledge, truth, etc.

The light is actually intellegence. Man is the organization of intelligence or light.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Physically this light is photons. Photons gain energy/mass which makes them heavier or more dense and also makes them act differently. The unorganized light spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum and includes magnetic waves at the far left end, heat, radio waves as well as light waves, microwaves, and finally gamma waves at the far right end. This light fills the immensity of space.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:12
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space--

We are, were and always will be light or intelligence. But then we were organized into matter in proportion to the equation Einstein discovered, E=MC2.

E= light unorganized M= light organized C=the constant which is the speed of light and 2= squared because the light is traveling in a circle when it becomes organized/focused.

All matter is made of light/photons carrying energy/mass.

Science has not fully accepted/discovered this yet. But it really is obvious, even without revelation. For example, if you take matter apart like in an atom bomb, you get light/energy across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. You can also take light and convert it into matter. I have done this at home in which I converted a wave length of light into electrons. It is the same process by which plants take light and convert it into electrons to perform photosynthesis. (Science is still trying to figure that out. Revelation is pretty cool because you can learn anything without relying on mortal teachers and the current knowledge available to the world.)

The point is that everything you can see, touch, taste, smell, etc. in the physical world is made of light that is organized into complex arrangements. Now there are multiple levels of organized light. For example dirt and rocks are lower levels. Trees and plants are higher levels animals are even higher levels. Essentially, the more capable a life form is, the more intelligent it is. Man is the most capable intelligence on the planet, (that we know of), so it is the most intelligent. God is the most capable being in the universe and so He/She is the most intelligent.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:13
The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.

It is in all things, because it makes up all things. It is the life of all things, because the higher evolved intelligences that govern the lower evolved intelligences which are organized into the life form give it life. and it governs all things including the power of God as will be explained below...

Intelligences are organized into spirit bodies made of governing intelligences which are highly evolved. Then the spirit body is given gross matter made of less evolved intelligences which the higher intelligences govern/guide. Kind of like how God governs/guides us.

We are essentially Gods over the intelligences in our bodies. For example, the intelligences that make up your heart cells look at the governing intelligences of the heart as Gods. The the Governing intelligences of the heart look at you, the governing intelligence of the body as a God.

Rather than tell you where YOU are, in your body, meaning where YOU the governing intelligence of the body is, your consciousness, why don't you try to find it? I'll give you a hint, YOU aren't in your foot. Where is your I AM? Not in your hand. Try to point to part of your body and ask yourself if YOU, (the smallest thing that makes you still YOU), is above or below that point. Is it to the left or to the right of that point? Is it on the outside near the skin or deeper in? How far in? See if you can find you. Try pointing at it from different angles, from front sides and back. Try to find yourself. LOL

It's a fun exercise I think let me know where you think you are. I will tell you where YOU are later.

Claymore said,
"I'm just trying to understand what The Lord is trying to teach concerning these things. Last night I had a visual symbol of the moon come to me concerning light. We gain or lose light based upon our faithfulness to the truths we are taught. So does the moon waxes or wanes in light until it is full or devoid of light. There is no standing still. The increase or decrease in light is so subtle that it is barely noticed. So it is with us. I wonder if light has to do with aura or glory of a person."

The most basic and powerful desire of an intelligence is to progress. (Video games create a false sense of progression and so they are very addicting to intelligences.) Light is intelligence. Just as you look to God to help you to progress and grow, so do other intelligences look to you to help them gain greater insight, understanding and knowledge. When YOU, (I AM), learn something by the spirit, the spirit literally writes the information on every fiber of your being. In other words, it teaches you and your spirit which governs the lower intelligences in turn teaches them. The whole organization of intelligence grows and becomes more aligned with light and truth. In doing so, it gains more respect from the intelligences that make everything up.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:36
The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth.

Righteousness is measured by how well we align with truth or ultimately the principles by which intelligences are amendable. Truth is things as they were, are and will be. When you align with truth, then other intelligences respect and honor you more. The more they respect and honor you, the more they are willing to be governed by you. If they are governed by you, then they have by choice given you power, just like we give power to our earthly governments and our earthly governments can tell us to go to war or to build roads and cities. If we stopped honoring our government we would not allow it to tell us what to do. Without followers, the government can't declare a war, collect taxes, enforce laws, or accomplish anything. So to with us. We are trying to gain supporters, intelligences that support us. If we rule like selfish tyrants then the intelligences will rebel and run away from us, unless they too subscribe to the principles of darkness and see a means by which they too will gain power over others. If we align with true principles, then the intelligences will flock to us by their own free will and support us because they see in us a means whereby they can flourish/grow themselves, and they like us are willing to put off our own desires when they conflict with truth righteous principles.

Look how Satan tried to take God's honor which is his power:
Doctrine and Covenants 29:36
36 And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devil-- for, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency;

The third part of heaven, (intelligences), followed and honored the devil and the devil has power because of them. He has half the power of God because 1/3 of heaven followed/honored/supported Satan and 2/3 of heaven followed/honored/supported God. That's a pretty big deal!

Anyway, there are two ways to gain glory, honor and power. Satan's way is by lies, force, manipulation, fear, threats, etc. God's way is by honesty, acceptance, forgiveness, persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, love unfeigned, etc. We gain glory and honor and power by picking a side and mastering the principles of the side. The problem is that ultimately, the dark forces for gaining power will always result in rebellion as the intelligences at the bottom seek freedom to govern themselves. So by using the dark side of the force, you have to constantly fight to maintain your power and influence over other intelligences. You can't just say, "Because I am the Priesthood/Government leader" you have to enforce your power which turns your subjects against you.
D&C 121:41-42
No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile--

The light side of the force allows for agency and free will and your power flows to you eternally because the intelligences that honor you have placed their trust in you without compulsion. They know that you will protect their freedoms, even when they choose to go against you. They know that you are not seeking self gratification at the expense of others and that you are willing to do what is right, even if it negatively affects you and your goals.

D&C 121: 36-37
That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven, (resulting from being honored by the intelligences), cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.

37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord, (light of Christ which is the entire conglomeration of intelligences), is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.

So, in summary, light = intelligences which are trying to progress. They honor and glorify you based on your righteousness if you are gaining power through righteous means or they honor and glorify you based on threat/rewards if you are gaining power using wicked means, (ruling like a tyrant, terrorist or mobster). One way power flows to you and the other way you have to constantly fight to gain and maintain it.

Assuming that we are gaining power via the the light side of the force, the more we understand and live righteously, the more glory, honor and power we gain. We can live righteously only as well as we can understand and gain principles of intelligence/light/truth. This means that we need to learn the principles by which the intelligences are amendable. These principles are call "Truth".

~ Seeker
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2750 is a reply to message #2744] Sun, 22 September 2013 09:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Seeker is currently offline  Seeker
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LOL, so I was talking with a friend about this post and they laughed and said, "Wow, that was too much information in too short a period. Each of your points could be a large chapter in a book." I realize I jumped from nothing to conclusions pretty quickly. And as nobody responded, I probably didn't make much sense. I thought I would take a little time to focus on one particular aspect of my post and see if anyone will take the bait, try the experiment and respond...

I said,
We are essentially Gods over the intelligences in our bodies. For example, the intelligences that make up your heart cells look at the governing intelligences of the heart as Gods. The the Governing intelligences of the heart look at you, the governing intelligence of the body as a God.

Rather than tell you where YOU are, in your body, meaning where YOU the governing intelligence of the body is, your consciousness, why don't you try to find it? I'll give you a hint, YOU aren't in your foot. Where is your I AM? Not in your hand. Try to point to part of your body and ask yourself if YOU, (the smallest thing that makes you still YOU), is above or below that point. Is it to the left or to the right of that point? Is it on the outside near the skin or deeper in? How far in? See if you can find you. Try pointing at it from different angles, from front sides and back. Try to find yourself. LOL

It's a fun exercise I think let me know where you think you are. I will tell you where YOU are later.

Each cell in our body is alive, all by itself. It doesn't need us to be alive. We know this because we can take cells from our body and put them into someone else's body or even a petri dish and they will continue to live, grow, replicate, etc. without us. For example, blood cells can be put in someone else's body and they still live, thrive and function as if they were in our body.

In addition, our heart can be put into someone elses body and it will live and function. As long as it is feed and the waste is removed, the heart will stay alive. One experiment I read kept chicken hearts alive in a bottle for, I think, 60-70 years by regularly flushing it with nutrient rich fluid. The heart was alive for years and years after the chicken had died.

All life has a spirit, and intelligence. The smallest single cell organism, like an ameba, is alive. Every cell of our heart is alive, has a spirit. Each cell is part of a greater organization called the heart or the kidney, liver, lung, etc. But each cell is alive with its own spirit. then the group of cells comes together and are organized into a single unit we call the heart. The heart itself has a governing spirit or intelligence that represents all the cells that it governs. So, you can communicate with the heart as a whole and talk to the governing spirit of the heart or you can talk to an individual spirit of a cell in the hearts. (I get that this sounds a little weird, so lets try looking at something else...)

A forest works the same way. You can talk to the entire forest as a whole or you can talk to a single tree in the forest. The whole forest has a spirit called "the forest", but so does each individual tree. When Christ found the fig tree that bore no fruit, and cursed it, he spoke to the entire tree and all the cells that made up the tree. He could have spoken to a single limb if he wanted. If the tree was in a forest, he could have spoken to the entire forest as a whole.

The earth has a spirit. That spirit governs the entire earth, all the individual rocks, mountains, etc. You can talk to a mountain or to the entire earth.

So, back to our bodies. There are multiple levels of organized intelligence that create our body. When we talk about our body, we say, "My foot", "My hand", "my heart", etc. We reference things that we currently own. But we intuitively know that we are not our foot, or even in our foot. I am not my heart, it is part of me, but I understand that I might at some point have it replaced with a mechanical heart and yet I still would be me. My "I AM" does not exist in my heart. The intelligence, (or possibly council of intelligences), that I refer to when I say, "I" does not reside in my left hand. If I ask, "Where am "I" in my body?" I am looking for the smallest point that defines itself as "Me". I could loose my nose and still be me, so I am not in my nose. If my neck were cut off, "I" would still be "ME", My body would soon die, but "I" would still live. Where is the "I" located in our bodies? Some might say it is in our brain, but where in our brain? If you point at the front of your head, anywhere, "YOU" can tell if your finger is too high or low or to the left or to the right. If you point at your head on the side, "You" can tell if your finger is too low or high or maybe too forward or too backward...

Even if you don't know what organ "YOU" live in, you can tell where "YOU" lives and it isn't a general area like the brain. It isn't even an area like the frontal lobe. It is a VERY specific needle point. The question is, "Can YOU find "YOURSELF" in YOUR own body?"

~ Seeker
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2756 is a reply to message #2744] Mon, 23 September 2013 10:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Taliesin is currently offline  Taliesin
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These are fascinating posts. I just did a quick test to find my "I AM", which is somewhere in the area of the pituitary and pineal glands.

What are your thoughts about the location of the "I AM"?
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2757 is a reply to message #2756] Wed, 25 September 2013 09:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Seeker is currently offline  Seeker
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Taliesin wrote on Mon, 23 September 2013 10:58
These are fascinating posts. I just did a quick test to find my "I AM", which is somewhere in the area of the pituitary and pineal glands.

What are your thoughts about the location of the "I AM"?

Thank you for trying the experiment! You did a great job IMO.

Now the Pineal gland and the Pituitary gland are separated by the "mid-brain".

The Pineal Gland looks a bit like a pine cone, about the size of a grain of rice in most people. Larger in those who learn and use it regularly. The interior walls of the Pineal Gland are made of rods and cones that are similar to those in the retina in our eyes. Being placed in the deep near center of our brains, you would think that this would be a strange place to develop the ability to "See". For this and other reasons, the Pineal gland is known as your third eye. Some have called it "the seat of the soul." It is definitely connected to our ability to "See" with our inner/spiritual eyes.

The outer mark or symbol of this gland is the "third eye" which lies between and just above our natural eyes, near the base of our forehead. You can touch it to stimulate your third eye. This point is known by many names including the Middle Eye of Shiva, the Eye of Horus, and the Horn of the Unicorn.

"Applied kinesiology uses this third eye center as a way to "reset" the bio-electrical system back to baseline whenever it seems to be energetically unaligned." It essentially takes attention away from the 5 outer senses and places it on the inner Spiritual senses. When you touch it, you may notice an almost undetectable feeling, (buzz, change or energy), near the back of the center of your brain. This is the pineal gland.

An interesting experiment to see this work is to raise your arm and hold it up while someone gently pulls down on it while you pay attention to how much effort you must exert to keep your arm up. Then do the same test while the person presses lightly on your third eye and notice how much more difficult it is to keep your arm up.

Conversely, I have used slight pressure or rubbing on the third eye to assist others with achieving meditative visions while seeking answers to their questions.

If you use your mind's eye, (which is your pineal gland), to see something spiritual or not present, and pay attention to where you feel that gland, in relation to your I AM, you will notice that it is slightly back (Toward your back) from your "I AM".

To find your I AM:
- From the front of your face, found in the center of your head, slightly lower than your eyes, on the bridge of your nose pointing to the back of your head.
- From the side of your head, you will find it just above your jaw bone, slightly lower than your temple.

The gland that most nearly meets this location is the Pituitary gland.

It is hard to do this experiment and find our I AM, because our "brain map", (map of our own bodies as learned, stored and updated by our brain), includes our arms, legs, and some internal organs, but usually doesn't include the inside of our heads. (Interesting video about how our brain map works)

Your Pituitary gland is located just below the hypothalamus in a small boney cradle called the "Sella turcica" where it is very protected. It is called, "The Master Gland" and secretes a ton of hormones required for the body to function properly. You can live without this gland, but you must to take hormone supplements, and you will experience a number of side effects like not being able to have children.

Because you can live without this gland, it does not seem to be the actual location of the I AM, however, the I AM is VERY near there.

Consider that all of the major sensory input passes through a very small space, about 1-2cm, right near the Pituitary gland.
  • The visual nerves from the eyes pass through the Optic Chiasm, a very small "X" just above the Pituitary gland.
  • The piriform cortex which distributes the smell signals to various parts of the brain is just behind the Pituitary gland.
  • The lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve brings the taste senses near the pituitary gland before dispersing them throughout the brain.
  • The spinal cord nerves connect through the Ponds and the Medulla to the Middle Brain which funnels directly into the pituitary gland and surrounding tissue.
  • The Vestibulocochlear nerve brings the input from the ear, (created when sounds waves touch/contact thousands of tiny hair cells), into the brain stem between the Ponds and the Medulla bringing the signals through the midbrain into the Pituitary gland tissue with the other touch sensory data.
  • The Pituitary gland or Master Gland works with the hypothalamus to create the major hormones that body needs to function, react to the environment, etc.
  • the Mammillary body which essential for recording memories is located on the tissue connecting the midbrain to the pituitary gland.

The list could go on and on. The point is that so many senses and master functions seem to be funneled into or pass/connect through this tight little spot which is right around our pituitary gland. It also happens that we find our I AM right there as well.

You nailed it.

~ Seeker
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2759 is a reply to message #2757] Thu, 26 September 2013 18:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Taliesin is currently offline  Taliesin
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Seeker wrote on Wed, 25 September 2013 11:34
Conversely, I have used slight pressure or rubbing on the third eye to assist others with achieving meditative visions while seeking answers to their questions.

Would you mind describing this assisted meditative technique in more detail? I am very intrigued!
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2762 is a reply to message #2759] Mon, 30 September 2013 10:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kenh is currently offline  kenh
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I shared this with some other friends and some of it applies to what were are discussing here.

Here are some interesting quotes and insights into how our lives can influence others and society as a whole.

Elder James E. Faust said: "Private choices are not private; they all have public consequences ... Our society is the sum total of what millions of individuals do in their private lives. That sum total of private behavior has worldwide public consequences of enormous magnitude. There are no completely private choices" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1987, 101; or Ensign, May 1987, 80).

I found this quote that I thought casts a different "light" on the subject as well.

"There is another responsibility correlated and even coexistent with free agency, which is too infrequently emphasized, and that is the effect not only of a person's actions, but also of his thoughts. Man radiates what he is, and that radiation affects to a greater or less degree every person who comes within that radiation." (David O. McKay " Free Agency-Freedom-Liberty")

My take on these things:

Each one of us, every spirit has an aura emanating from within our spirit. If we are filled with the Holy Ghost, we have a bright and glorious aura emanating from within our spirit. This is how Satan, who does not know our thoughts, can determine that his mental attacks on us are working. If we accept his enticements and think evil thoughts, our aura diminishes. If we resist, then we remain pure and clean with a bright aura. Likewise people around us can sense that we are different from other people because good emanates from within us. Christ was always filled with purity and love and those who sought to be pure and clean could feel that love from him and were drawn to him. "Light cleaves unto light. Darkness cleaves unto darkness." That is why He said to "Let your light so shine that others can see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." So something as private as our thoughts not only effect us but effects everyone around us. How we influence others is how we will be judged by God. Christ expects us to be a power for good on the earth by standing as witnesses of Him for everyone around us to see, hear, feel and know.

What I understand President Faust saying is that even though we make choices alone or in our homes or even in our own minds, the decisions we make have consequences that effect in one way or another everyone else. We don't control anyone else, but collectively as an individual, family member, community, country or planet all of our choices (obviously some have greater effect at different levels than other choices) carries with them universal consequences. As an example, what one eats may seem "private" but that decision can carry unintended consequences, such as those who produced those food items will need to produce more to keep up with supply and demand. If we grew it ourselves then those who produce the same food stuffs cannot produce as much since there will be one less purchaser of those items in the marketplace, too much supply and not enough demand. I can choose to have a greenhouse on my property and grow my own food, but if everyone did that worldwide there would be no more farmers or markets nor trucks and truck drivers needed to transport from farms to markets either. This example above is not a bad thing, but it will carry with it quite far reaching consequences for society as a whole.
As far as immorality goes, choosing to be promiscuous has negative consequences for not only the participating parties but for society as well. If one or more participants has a STD that could be spread to someone else, or an unwanted pregnancy could occur. Serious violations of our conscience, like immorality, effects our thoughts and decisions far beyond the "private acts" involved. Most people would agree that what someone or people do behind closed doors is there "own business"; nevertheless there are consequences that effect us all in one way or another. "Wars are born of lusts." A man who does not control his temper has not controlled his lustful desires. Physical abuse and sexual abuse go hand in hand. I believe in teaching correct principles and letting people govern themselves. Part of that teaching includes explaining the consequences that follow their self-governing decisions. In the case of immorality, that includes costing others money in taxes for decisions they make "in private." Not only that, but contributes greatly to the overall rebellious depraved society that we see taking place around us.

Finally, we need to be concerned to some extent the choices of others by trying to be a positive influence in other people's lives. We should encourage good parenting skills and diet (word of wisdom issues as well) and stand for morality in an immoral world. If we were to help one person in any of these areas, we have done good and hopefully the one whom we have helped will choose to help another as well. Their future decisions will be more in line with what God would have them choose and the world would become a better place for it. Smile

[Updated on: Mon, 30 September 2013 10:31]

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Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2763 is a reply to message #2744] Mon, 30 September 2013 15:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 51
Registered: November 2012
With all this talk of cells, I'm feeling a little queasy. Is the "morning after pill" considered abortion from this perspective? I never viewed it as abortion. But now with all this talk of cells...even though it didn't attach to the uterus, and start growing, obviously the zygote, the single cell was present? Is this single cell wrong to abort? It seems so. If all the genetic information was decided at that moment of conception, it would seem even aborting that cell before implanting in the uterus would be abortion. Oh my heavens. i'm sure I'm going to loose sleep over this one Crying or Very Sad

This thread is intensely interesting. I had an "experience" last month. During the experience I was rubbing the third eye to un-calcify it. The person overseeing me was trying to get me to stop and I calmly kept telling her that I was decalcifying my pineal gland. Since then I've done it every once in a while. How interesting that you guys have done it! WooHoo! I'm not crazy.


[Updated on: Mon, 30 September 2013 15:29]

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Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2766 is a reply to message #2763] Mon, 30 September 2013 21:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Binyamin is currently offline  Binyamin
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There is so much truth in all of these posts. I have been feeling all of these things lately. The connections within and without the body are all interrelated. I particularly enjoyed the comments regarding the fibers of our body all being affected by change. I have been learning a huge amount today regarding the relationships between the body and spirit. I don't know that all my questions are answered but this created an incredible foundation for me. And by the way Seeker. I wish I had seen this sooner. I would have replied so fast.

Light is the basis of all truth and all creation correct?

Intelligence is not created.

Joseph Smith was so incredible!

Lately since I had a unique experience my entire being has been changing. I have felt that my body and mind and spirit have been aligning into one great whole and the a level of perfectness and order is being achieved. Not a state of being perfect but a state of becoming so. AND IT IS HAPPENING FAST. I tend to want to stay upon things that are only spiritual but I recently discovered that the body and spirit are all connected.

Related: my kidney has hurt every day since junior high school and Beginning about a month ago all pain has left and I have felt it healing or changing somehow.

The exercise of locating the "I AM" was particularly special to me. It signified all of the things I do each day to become whole and pure and ONE with God. I remove all things that are SELF and become ONE with God and find the I AM. I do something with my energy fields and with my AURA and create some kind of safety and then focus completely and entirely upon righteousness and Light. All things of me leave and all things related to I AM of GOD or Light or Eternity come into action. I wonder if this is the way Spiritual Shields are created?? ....


Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2772 is a reply to message #2759] Mon, 07 October 2013 11:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Seeker is currently offline  Seeker
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Taliesin wrote on Thu, 26 September 2013 18:24
Seeker wrote on Wed, 25 September 2013 11:34
Conversely, I have used slight pressure or rubbing on the third eye to assist others with achieving meditative visions while seeking answers to their questions.

Would you mind describing this assisted meditative technique in more detail? I am very intrigued!

It is easier to DO that to Describe... I would like to put something together, so that I don't have to walk people through it and they can do it themselves or by listening to a CD or something, but I am short on time right now... Just had twins last month...in addition to my 18 month old and 11 year old...

I will try to think of a way...

~ Seeker
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2773 is a reply to message #2762] Mon, 07 October 2013 11:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Seeker is currently offline  Seeker
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kenh wrote on Mon, 30 September 2013 10:24
Each one of us, every spirit has an aura emanating from within our spirit. If we are filled with the Holy Ghost, we have a bright and glorious aura emanating from within our spirit. This is how Satan, who does not know our thoughts, can determine that his mental attacks on us are working. If we accept his enticements and think evil thoughts, our aura diminishes. If we resist, then we remain pure and clean with a bright aura.

Our aura's change color too as well as diminishing/increasing...

What I understand President Faust saying is that even though we make choices alone or in our homes or even in our own minds, the decisions we make have consequences that effect in one way or another everyone else. We don't control anyone else, but collectively as an individual, family member, community, country or planet all of our choices (obviously some have greater effect at different levels than other choices) carries with them universal consequences.

I had an experience recently that BLEW MY MIND!!! I was AMAZED at how much we CAN influence others around us. I knew this could be done to an extent, but the "Jedi Mind Trick" is so much more powerful than I understood. "Jedi Mind Trick" might be the wrong idea here. and this isn't exactly what you are talking about to your point, but then it kind of is. My wife and I wanted the impossible to happen which would require about 30 or so people who were either against it or on the fence but not open to our input. The spirit had been teaching us how to heal our son, (born with Spina Bifida). And we saw immediate and powerful results, then we applied the technique to getting him home from the hospital and BAM, he was home that day when previously nearly everyone was telling us he needed more surgeries, 2-3 more weeks in the hospital, permanent implanted shunts, etc.! I can't express the miracles we have been seeing. Just tremendous! Anyway, it largely comes down to our choices and how they affect and influence others. Not just physically, (which certainly happens), but spiritually too!
As an example, what one eats may seem "private" but that decision can carry unintended consequences, such as those who produced those food items will need to produce more to keep up with supply and demand. If we grew it ourselves then those who produce the same food stuffs cannot produce as much since there will be one less purchaser of those items in the marketplace, too much supply and not enough demand. I can choose to have a greenhouse on my property and grow my own food, but if everyone did that worldwide there would be no more farmers or markets nor trucks and truck drivers needed to transport from farms to markets either. This example above is not a bad thing, but it will carry with it quite far reaching consequences for society as a whole.

That is a good example of how our decisions impact our society in very concrete physical ways.
As far as immorality goes, choosing to be promiscuous has negative consequences for not only the participating parties but for society as well. If one or more participants has a STD that could be spread to someone else, or an unwanted pregnancy could occur. Serious violations of our conscience, like immorality, effects our thoughts and decisions far beyond the "private acts" involved. Most people would agree that what someone or people do behind closed doors is there "own business"; nevertheless there are consequences that effect us all in one way or another.

This is a good point too!

I really like your post and agree with what you said, thanks Kenh

~ Seeker
Re: The light of Christ, Intelligence and the Priesthood [message #2774 is a reply to message #2763] Mon, 07 October 2013 11:52 Go to previous message
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iWitness wrote on Mon, 30 September 2013 15:01
With all this talk of cells, I'm feeling a little queasy. Is the "morning after pill" considered abortion from this perspective? I never viewed it as abortion. But now with all this talk of cells...even though it didn't attach to the uterus, and start growing, obviously the zygote, the single cell was present? Is this single cell wrong to abort? It seems so. If all the genetic information was decided at that moment of conception, it would seem even aborting that cell before implanting in the uterus would be abortion. Oh my heavens. i'm sure I'm going to loose sleep over this one Crying or Very Sad

Abortion is something my wife and I have discussed extensively. We are truly against it, but not because we were told to be, but because we researched it and see that may babies are aborted when they can feel and think and even react. The silent scream and frantic jumping as the baby is torn limb from limb is something everyone should realize is wrong!

As far as the morning after pill. I can't say that it should never be used. Life is life. We kill cells all the time. Life is found in the sperm. Normally millions of them "die" while one is allowed into the egg to become a zygote. But the life is there prior to one joining with the egg. (Note: I accept that the process is not about the first sperm to get to the egg and that the egg can reject a sperm via what I believe is a mechanical DNA mismatch prevention mechanism, but I don't want to take the discussion there. Also, a woman can produce a baby without male sperm, so there is life/intelligence there. And you might say that having a period is an abortion. or a miscarriage is a natural abortion.) My point is millions of sperm cells die all the time. What makes a Zygote more valuable than the sperm dying and the egg dying that happens nearly every month for most married couples? I don't know. Sure they are joined together and you have the potential of human life. There are intelligences that is excited to become a person and working feverishly to accomplish that. But at that stage in the game, I wouldn't criticize someone for avoiding/preventing that potential from becoming a reality because if they are avoiding it at that stage, then they probably aren't ready for it.

As of yet, I don't think the morning after pill is a big deal. It may be, but I don't yet see the reasoning. I think that it really needs to be a personal decision that is carefully weighed with the spirit. However, when the zygote develops to a certain level, I think that your decision was made and you are walking the line of murder. Some people think that if it hasn't come out yet, it is ok to abort... I very much disagree with that.

This thread is intensely interesting. I had an "experience" last month. During the experience I was rubbing the third eye to un-calcify it. The person overseeing me was trying to get me to stop and I calmly kept telling her that I was decalcifying my pineal gland. Since then I've done it every once in a while. How interesting that you guys have done it! WooHoo! I'm not crazy.

Hahaha, I would draw that conclusion just yet...But you can be certain that you are not alone in your craziness!


~ Seeker
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