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By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #88] Thu, 01 July 2010 14:28 Go to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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We agree with the conclusions that we cannot know false prophets simply by their legal status or circumstances. If we could, our prophets would all make lots of profit. However, you imply we cannot have negative emotions if we are filled with the Holy Ghost. We have heard the phrase 'righteous anger'. Is there truly such a thing? Yes. Evil makes us angry. It should be emphasized it is not the emotion within the prophet which determines whether they be true or false, it is the feelings they create in others.

Matt 6:24 ¶ No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Either we love God AND hate Satan, or we hold to Satan and despise God. We cannot love Satan. It is an impossibility. A righteous man can have hate in his heart when faced with evil. But he will not create hate for others or propagate the hate. Instead he will generate feelings of love and peace in others, even if he himself is in turmoil.

God Himself has wrath and anger. He is always in control of His emotions, but He has them, both positive and negative. But God will never promote negative emotions in others.

Also, as this book is intended for all Christians, using more examples from the Bible when identifying prophets who have been imprisoned would capture a wider audience. Daniel in the Lion's Den, Shadrack, Mishak and Abednigo in the firey furnace, many of Christ's Apostles were imprisoned and put to death, etc.

- Dragon and Fairy

- Dragon
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #103 is a reply to message #88] Fri, 02 July 2010 15:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Amonhi is currently offline  Amonhi
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Evil makes us angry. - Fairy/Dragon

Anger, hate and negative emotion all lead to the dark side and will always be used by the devil against us even if it is anger and hate toward evil, (as George Lucas so adequately portrayed in the Star Wars Saga).

We learn this in the temple endowment. God places enmity between the seed of the woman and Satan. Many people believe that this is a reference to Christ only. However, it is referring to all mankind who are given a natural dislike, hate or enmity for evil. Even those in prison hate evil.

Even Satanists hate evil. They call Satan good because he is fighting a terrorist like God and gives us knowledge and agency. They say that Satan has a bad rap because the evil God wants us all to be servants and worshipers to his selfish needs and Satan wants us to be free, gain knowledge and ultimately be like the God they worship. The interesting thing is that whether you call evil evil or good evil, people naturally hate evil. If you are a Christian, you hate Satan because he is evil. If you are a Satanist, you hate God because he is evil. If you are a Muslim, you hate other religions because they are evil. We naturally hate evil from our point of view because God placed in the Children and seed of Eve Enmity for evil.

Then Satan responds to God saying that "with that enmity I will take the treasure of the earth, and with gold and silver I will buy up armies and navies, false priests who oppress, and tyrants who destroy, and reign with blood and horror on the earth!"

How does Satan use our hate for him against us?

He lies about who and what are evil. By convincing us of the following 3 points:

  1. You have the only truth.
  2. Everyone else believes the evil and false teachings of the devil.
  3. You must hate evil and destroy it.

He doesn't just tell this to the Christians, but the Jews, the Children of Israel, the Muslims and every other group that he can convince. The result is that the separated groups see themselves as good and others as evil or at least mislead. When this lie is preached and believed on a large scale the result is Holy Wars in which the treasures of the earth are used to buy up armies, navies, false priests, etc. Satan reigns all sides with blood and horror. This is the cause of the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch hunts, Hitlers white supremacy acts against the Jews and attempt at world conquest, etc. etc. etc...

The Governments of the world have used it to pull their own people into every war including world wars, forced police states and acts of civil unrest.

The hate/Enmity for evil is the root of all evil. The ONLY way to truly overcome Satan and bring the Millennium is to stop hating evil and Satan. There is no need to hate evil and Satan unless you intend to fight against it. If you fight against it, you are playing the pawn in Satan's game and giving him power and increasing the hate in others toward you. Thereby making the problem worse.

If we remove the Enmity between us and Satan, then he has no motivation or power over the people of the world to buy up his armies and navies and false priests. When he looses power, the Millennium of peace for the world will begin. This will only happen when we follow the saviors council:
Matt. 5:43-44
43 ¶ Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
(End of Chapter)

If we are for good, then Satan and all evil is our enemy. We must ultimately love our enemy, Satan that old serpent who was against us from the beginning. If we do not, we will never overcome him individually nor globally. Also notice that perfection is linked together with the above thoughts. Perfection cannot be achieved while we hate our enemy. Perfection can only be achieved by loving your enemies. (Elliaison has a book about how to become perfect which I will try to add to the library which details why perfection requires us to love our enemies as well as our friends.)
Christ also pointed out that what we do to the least of these, we have done unto him. By all standards, those that we see as being evil are the least in our eyes. Whether they are in a different church, country or other group. What we do to them is what we do to Christ.
Either we love God AND hate Satan, or we hold to Satan and despise God. We cannot love Satan. It is an impossibility.

This is only an impossibility if we believe the lies of Satan who wants us to hate him. You quoted Matt. 6:24;
Matt. 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Consider the following interpretation of it's meaning...
You cannot successfully serve 2 masters, (particularly opposing masters). If you try to serve 2 masters, you will end up loving one and hating the other. The options for serving are as follows:

Serve God/Good Love God/Good, Love your neighbor & Love your enemy, even Satan/Evil.
Serve 2 Masters, God and Satan (Option 1) Love God/Good & Hate Satan/Evil.
Serve 2 Masters, God and Satan (Option 1) Love Satan/Evil & Hate God/Good.
Serve Satan/Evil Hate God/Good & because Satan is a really lame master, Hate Satan too.

The point is that you can't serve both God and Satan without being divided within yourself. But you can serve God only and still love Satan by not serving Satan. We serve Satan as his pawns when we hate evil as expressed above. But we also Serve God by loving our friends and our enemies. There is no other way to fully devote ourselves to God and Fully Serve God.

God Himself has wrath and anger. He is always in control of His emotions, but He has them, both positive and negative. Fairy/Dragon

I agree to a point. In primary and other places we are often told that God is "unhappy" if we disobey him. The only conclusion we can come to is that God is miserably unhappy because of all the people that disobey him. If God's happiness were dependant on the actions and agency of others, then God would have a very unhappy eternity in heaven. Some parents on earth have such issues and are only happy when their children are doing what they want them to do. So the parents become very unhappy. God's happiness is independent of our choices except when it comes to joying with us in our joys or sorrowing with us in our sorrows

But God will never promote negative emotions in others.

If God experiences negative emotions, and then commands us to be like him, then has he inadvertently encouraged us to have negative emotions. We naturally strive to be like the God we worship. If we see God as being dominating to those he leads, we too will dominate those we lead. If we see God as hating evil, then we too will hate evil. If we see God as being angry when others do not obey God or our view of God, we will likewise be angry when we see others not obeying our understanding of God.
God is love and love doesn't get angry the same way that we think when we say God was angry. Think of your own wife or children. Can you love them and be "angry" with them? Now we need to define the different types of "Anger". We are all very familiar with Satan's version or cheap knockoff of true Godly "Anger". Satan's version always comes because of a desire to control the agency of others and frustration from not being able to control others. It leads to force, unnatural penalties and removes self government.

God doesn't try to force, control or even manipulate the sacred agency of others. God tells us the natural consequences, (positive and negative), and lets us govern ourselves while reaping for ourselves the natural consequences of our actions. So, what does righteous "Anger" or Godly Anger mean?

Love and peace,
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #104 is a reply to message #88] Fri, 02 July 2010 16:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 32
Registered: June 2010
Location: Traveler, Earth
Also, as this book is intended for all Christians, using more examples from the Bible when identifying prophets who have been imprisoned would capture a wider audience. Daniel in the Lion's Den, Shadrack, Mishak and Abednigo in the firey furnace, many of Christ's Apostles were imprisoned and put to death, etc. - Fairy/Dragon

Thank you for your suggestion. We will revise as suggested.

~ Elliaison
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #106 is a reply to message #103] Sun, 04 July 2010 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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I have agreed with most of the things I have heard from you in the past. This time, I cannot fathom it. I have made the attempt to look past my own experiences and try to accept a new truth. I don't see a new truth in what you are saying with regard to loving Satan. First of all, I want to show the definition of enmity, even though we both agree on what that is.
en·mi·ty (ěn'mĭ-tē)
n. pl. en·mi·ties
Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.

This mutual hatred was put in place by God to prevent Satan and his followers from taking over our bodies. It is a necessary part of God's plan.

I have heard the argument in the past that we should love Satan in order to better serve God. This is a very dangerous notion on a slippery slope we don't need to go down. As I indicated, a good man will not propagate the hate. I am not speaking of the hatred which comes from frustration when someone or something refused to bend to our will. Sadly our English language does not readily distinguish between that form of hatred and the kind of hatred which pushes us away from evil. It is possible to hate Satan in a non active way. Rather than being proactive with our hatred, seeking to destroy that which we believe is evil, we focus our attention on the good and on love. This does NOT mean we love Satan. To do so would give place for him in our hearts. To love God and love Satan is to serve two masters. You cannot do it. For how can you show love for someone if you do not follow them?
John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments.

If you love Satan, follow his teachings. Love is more than an emotion. It requires action, just as faith does. Without action, the emotion of love grows cold and dies.


- Dragon
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #113 is a reply to message #106] Mon, 05 July 2010 22:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Elina is currently offline  Elina
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There are multiple different kinds of "love". It appears that we may be using one word to denote different things. What is the most important thing to understand is that there are only two sides of the energy equation. The light and the dark. "Hate" "fear" "aversion" and so on, are on the negative side of the scale.
Love, kindness, goodwill, peace, and so on are on the light and positive side of the scale.

If we occupy our minds, hearts, or any portion of our being with any emotion, thought or intention on the negative side of the scale, we are our selves acting for the king of that side - Satan.

All light comes from God
All darkness comes from Satan
(Not that I'm saying literal Light and Dark, but negative and positive energy.)

We are judged by our hearts. The thoughts, feelings and intents of our hearts for this very reason. If there is a place in our hearts for any feeling of unrest, contention, or dis-harmony we serve the dark. Weather we know it or not. One cannot conclude that if they have any portion of discord within their being that they are truly serving the light and the God of Creation in that instance in which these things are active within them. We worship the God of Creation. All destruction comes from Satan, and all negativity destroys. It is the cause of all wars, sickness, (dis-ease), contention, and finally death.

The quote "If ye love me..." is another example of the word "Love" being a limited term. This type of love is not even the same type of love that we should have for our heavenly parents when we become as "friends" rather than servants. It is a mis-use of the word, this is not the type of love that we must possess for all, even Satan. (I have heard that we must hate the sin, yet not the sinner. I would think this would apply to Satan... However I take it a step farther and say that hate, for even a sin is an incorrect use of the tem "hate". A person who chooses not to take an unwise action, not because they hate the action, but because they love another action more, and can see the wisdom in one choice over another, is free from fear, and thus can choose not to "sin" and still remain in the light and peace of the positive energy and thus, be in the space of/with God.)

I feel that in this quote stating that you will love the one and hate the other is a misunderstanding of the terms. And... A thought form from a past world that has and will continue to destroy. It served an important purpose at the time, but that purpose has been fulfilled and we now move on toward a milinium of peace, in which Satan is bound by the light/righteousness of all humanity. There cannot be "on earth as in Heaven" peace, love and unity so long as the inhabitants of the earth reside in any portion on that which is not the abiding principals of the inhabitants of heaven.

Love and Light to all,

Elina Elliaison
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #114 is a reply to message #106] Mon, 05 July 2010 23:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Amonhi is currently offline  Amonhi
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To help you see this from another point of view, I wrote some leading questions. I encourage you to read and answer only 1 question at a time:

1 - What does your hatred for Satan and evil cause you to do? What actions does this hatred encourage? (For hypothetical example?)
- It seemed you referred to hating Satan in "a non-active way". Please explain or detail non-active...

2 - You stated, "Without action, the emotion of love grows cold and dies." Does this also apply to hate in that you could readily say that, "Without action, the emotion of hate grows cold and dies."

3 - You stated, "For how can you show love for someone if you do not follow them?" and you quoted John 14:15... Can you think of anyone that you love that you do not follow?

4 - Christ taught that we should "love our enemy". Christ also said, "If you love me, keep my commandments". You say that we cannot love someone without following them. Can we love our enemy without following them? (For example, Hitler)

5 - Does the natural man have enmity for Evil?

6 - If everyone hates Evil/Satan, and this is right and good, then why does this hatred empower Satan to reign with blood and horror on the Earth?

7 - If Satan uses the our enmity toward him to "reign", (with blood and horror), on the earth, then what needs to change before the millennium can start globally in which Satan's ability to reign ends?
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #121 is a reply to message #106] Tue, 06 July 2010 23:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rebecca is currently offline  Rebecca
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I'm sorry for not keeping up, I haven't read any of this thread accept for this post... But here is my thought:

I seem to remember Christ teaching: "For I say... Love your enemies..."
I think Satan, as the greatest adversary of all, would also be our greatest enemy. I don't see how we should exempt Satan from Christ's admonition...???


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Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #124 is a reply to message #121] Sat, 10 July 2010 09:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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Okay. One question at a time without reading ahead. Here are my responses:

1. Non-active hatred. This means we do not let our thoughts dwell on Satan. We do not devise schemes to thwart the plans of Satan unless directed by the Holy Ghost to take specific action through love. Active hatred allows the hate to build within us and consume us, even if it is hatred of evil. The non-active hatred is an emotion we feel when confronted with a choice between good and evil. We would hate to do the evil, we would hate to be associated with an evil organization. So we turn away from it and move on. We don't dwell on the hate.

2. If we do not act on the hatred, do not give it room in our hearts, it gains no power. It remains at a low level of interaction with our lives, but remains as a warning against evil.

3. There is a form of love I have for all mankind. I certainly don't follow the general consensus of the world for most aspects of my life.

4. Borrowing from a quick Google search,
According to Strong's, the Greek word used here, "agapao," means to love in a social or moral sense.

This is definitely different from the form of love we should have for God which is different than the love we should have for our spouse. The English language is so tricky and slippery sometimes.
Another quick Google search gives the following:
Agape is the Greek word for the love that God is self-sacrificing love

I don't know of myself if Agapao and Agape are different words in the Greek or different forms of the same word. What I do know is there are definitely different kinds of love being discussed here. One is a social kind of love. The idea that I love the Plan of Salvation and Satan is part of that plan. Therefore I have a social or non-specific love for his role in God's plan. I will not, however, give anything to Satan. Not even a portion of my heart over to hating him. The emotion will come and then go when it has done its job of directing me away from Satan's paths.

5. I would say yes.
Vice is a monster so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen; Yet too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
- Alexander Pope

6. Satan is the father of lies. He is a master at twisting the truth, concealing the greater truth, and distorting perception through miscommunication, prejudice, and lies. It is natural to let the enmity build within us. There is a rush to hating something we KNOW to be evil. If we give too much room in our hearts, this enmity will overwhelm us, just as any natural emotion can if allowed to grow too large and push out the other emotions.

7. In order for the Millennium of Peace to begin, all those who fornicate, commit adultery, kill, bear false witness, or break any of the other ten commandments must perish by the sword of their fellow sinners. This concept could easily be twisted into preaching that we must slay all those of other religions. That would be allowing the enmity to reign with blood and horror. Those who will live during the Millennium of Peace must live the Telestial Laws. They must have room in their hearts for the Holy Ghost. When everyone on the Earth is living the Telestial laws, peace will reign. Wars will cease. Governments will be almost unnecessary.

I feel the need to point out the statement which sparked this debate was too brief in explanation for the common consumption. I will concede we must have the same love for Satan which we do for the people of the world we have not met. He is a vital part of the plan of Salvation. I would not invite him over for supper, or give him the shirt off my back, but I will not fill my life with hatred of him.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #128 is a reply to message #124] Wed, 14 July 2010 20:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Amonhi is currently offline  Amonhi
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Thank you, This was very clarifying!

1. Non-active hatred. - Ok, I agree, but would use different words to describe it. (Not sure what words, but I would replace the word "hate" because of it's active/motivating meaning to so many people.

2. Warning against Evil. - Again, I agree. Non-active approach. The moment we make an active attack against evil or those who we believe to be evil, we play the pawn of Satan.

3. Wink That's why I like you so much!

4. Agapao and Agape - these are different words representing different types of love. Look up "Feed my sheep" and the 3 different types of love Christ uses in these verses. Very interesting. English is a terrible langue for communicating!

5. Enmity - I agree.

6. "It is natural to let the enmity build within us. There is a rush to hating something we KNOW to be evil."

I agree. It is this experience that Satan uses to his advantage. When we hate evil to the point that we are willing to destroy it in the world by actively fighting against what we think is evil, then Satan uses our hate against us and we are his pawns. happens all the time. Justified Violence!

7. You are right that people who qualify for the Terrestrial world or higher will be permitted to enjoy the Millennial peace. I would add that only those who are not willing to destroy the evil or those they feel are evil or misguided or mislead will be permitted to stay. There will be other religious groups from atheist to Mormons, Protestants, Satan worshipers and more. They will have in common peace. They will be able to live together peaceably and as equals. They will not fight each other or try to destroy each other which is what gives Satan power. They will be "ONE" in the sense that "if we are not ONE, we are not HIS".

It can be extremely difficult to not judge and hate others from other religions. Christians especially hate Satanists for example. And although they can give room for other Christians, they have a difficult time giving room for those whom they esteem to be their evil enemies.

The story of the "Good Samaritan" is especially wonderful as an example of how the kinsman/brothers of the fallen man left him for dead, but his national enemy, the evil Samaritan cared for him, fed, clothed, housed and even loved him.

One that note, a few final questions?

1. Do you think God Hates his prodigal Son Satan?
2. Do you think Christ Hates his wayward brother Lucifer?
3. Would you consider having dinner with a servant of Satan?
4. Would you give the shirt off your back to your evil enemies/Satanists/Atheists/Samaritans?
5. How does Satan differ from his servants?

Peace will reign when we become peaceful.


Love and peace,
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #133 is a reply to message #128] Fri, 16 July 2010 08:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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hate   [heyt] Show IPA verb,hat·ed, hat·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
verb (used without object)
3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.

1. Do you think God Hates his prodigal Son Satan?
Does God have an extreme aversion for Lucifer? I would say yes. Does he feel hostility? I don't believe He does.

2. Do you think Christ Hates his wayward brother Lucifer?
Once more, as Jesus Christ is in the very image of the Father and united in all things, Jesus Christ has an extreme aversion for his brother Lucifer, but not hostility.

3. Would you consider having dinner with a servant of Satan?
I cannot foresee circumstances in which there would be anything to gain by sharing a meal with a true servant of Satan. I certainly would not let such a person into my home. As a matter of fact, I have dedicated my home and my land to be a place of refuge from such people. Please note I DO draw a distinction between a true servant of Satan and those who claim to worship the devil.

4. Would you give the shirt off your back to your evil enemies/Satanists/Atheists/Samaritans?
This is a trick question. A true enemy would take the shirt off my back only to try and strangle me with it in any way they could. I do not consider all Satanists, Atheists or Samaritans to be my enemies.

5. How does Satan differ from his servants?
Being the leader of all things evil and nasty, I know Satan seeks my eternal as well as my mortal destruction. A true servant of Satan seeks the same, but I believe the further removed a being is from Satan, the greater chance there is of repentance and reconciliation. In this way, I hold no hope of persuading Satan to turn from his evil ways. Mortal servants of Satan still have that opportunity. Thus, there is the difference between Satan and his servants. If they are truly beyond help, having denied the Holy Ghost and shed innocent blood, then they have themselves become a satan.

- Dragon

- Dragon
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #134 is a reply to message #133] Fri, 16 July 2010 14:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Amonhi is currently offline  Amonhi
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1. Do you think God Hates his prodigal Son Satan?
Does God have an extreme aversion for Lucifer? I would say yes. Does he feel hostility? I don't believe He does.

It seems God and Christ have an aversion to Satan which is why they "cast him out". "Get thee hence"...
I agree with you.

2. I agree again.
Please note I DO draw a distinction between a true servant of Satan and those who claim to worship the devil.

3. I understand, and agree.
This is a trick question. A true enemy would take the shirt off my back only to try and strangle me with it in any way they could. I do not consider all Satanists, Atheists or Samaritans to be my enemies.

4. Your right. A very pointed trick question. Excellent answer! (IMO)
If they are truly beyond help, having denied the Holy Ghost and shed innocent blood, then they have themselves become a satan.

5. Again very good clarification, and I agree.

I wish our words could be more easily understood as to address our thoughts more clearly. I believe I have a good understanding of what you mean when you say that you hate Satan. Sadly, if someone else "hates Satan" they may or may not hate him the same way you expressed and their will not communicate much without further communications.
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #380 is a reply to message #88] Fri, 25 May 2012 22:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
zephyr is currently offline  zephyr
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how does one obtain a copy of this book?
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #382 is a reply to message #380] Fri, 25 May 2012 22:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Amonhi is currently offline  Amonhi
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It is being added to and edited. It will be available as a free download on elliaison.org under Books and Articles.
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #449 is a reply to message #382] Sat, 02 June 2012 00:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Looking forward to this one too!!

Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #648 is a reply to message #134] Sun, 15 July 2012 14:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dragon is currently offline  Dragon
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I wish our words could be more easily understood as to address our thoughts more clearly.

It has been said the Adamic language is perfect because there is no opportunity to be misunderstood. This is hard for me to fathom given the faults of English, which I feel are less but still present in other languages.

One of the greatest limitations of this board is it removes the ability to communicate directly as spirits. When I learned to speak with the tongue of angels, I was able to understand a person's words beyond what they actually said. I cannot do that through the internet. As such, our written words are lacking many things, including facial expressions, body language, and the spiritual clarification of words.

- Dragon
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1036 is a reply to message #88] Tue, 28 August 2012 18:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mormonhah is currently offline  mormonhah
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After reading through all the posts that I was able on this forum, I find that words are not sufficient to explain how I am feeling.

I understand this may be a stretch but is there a way to have better communication than this forum? I have not been able to put the thoughts of my heart into words and when I do write, it frequently isn't what I am feeling anyway.

I know that FB has private groups but I also know that FB is seen by big brother at every level. Is this also?

If I had not actually got into this work and been called of God, I would back out. But I cannot back out: I have no doubt of the truth.
Joseph Smith, Jr.
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1037 is a reply to message #1036] Tue, 28 August 2012 19:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
zephyr is currently offline  zephyr
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If what you are writing is not accurately expressing what you are feeling, that probably wont change if you go to another forum. It may be that you need to talk to someone instead of just typing at your computer.
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1888 is a reply to message #88] Wed, 09 January 2013 15:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brrgilbert is currently offline  brrgilbert
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As I have pondered the parable of the Prodigal Son, it has been difficult for me to discern which brother is which. In the spiritual sense, I concur with what has been stated even though it is difficult to think that the Savior would be jealous. In the temporal sense; however, I see the roles reversed. Am I the only one that has this perception? Confused

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1889 is a reply to message #1888] Wed, 09 January 2013 16:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Denryu is currently offline  Denryu
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Prodigal means wasteful. So I'm not sure in what sense you consider the Savior wasteful. Or possibly I am not following what you mean.

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Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1891 is a reply to message #88] Wed, 09 January 2013 18:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brrgilbert is currently offline  brrgilbert
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Thank you for letting me know what "Prodigal" means. I didn't know that that is what the word meant. In applying that to the Savior, I thought that to some it may be considered "wasteful" that the banquet that was prepared was "wasted" on the halt, the lame, the blind, and the poor. He spent His time among the "sinners." Couldn't this be considered "wasteful" and dining with the hogs from a certain perspective?

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1892 is a reply to message #1891] Wed, 09 January 2013 20:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Denryu is currently offline  Denryu
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I hope that didn't come across as condescending, it wasn't intended that way. I only mentioned it because I taught the SS lesson on the Prodigal Son (a shile back, obviously) and it mentioned the meaning of prodigal, which I always had thought meant something like "rebellious" or "selfish" - which he certainly was those things also.

Libertas optimas rarem, nunquam servili sub nexu.
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Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1893 is a reply to message #88] Wed, 09 January 2013 21:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brrgilbert is currently offline  brrgilbert
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I didn't feel that your welcomed comment was condescending. On the contrary, it gave me added insight as to why I feel that the roles can be interchanged. I need to ask you a question, though. Do you feel that jealousy is a sign of rebellion and selfishness? Do you feel that wastefulness is a sign of rebellion and selfishness?

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery

[Updated on: Wed, 09 January 2013 21:25]

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Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1894 is a reply to message #1893] Wed, 09 January 2013 21:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Denryu is currently offline  Denryu
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Jealousy as a sign of selfishness, yes, rebellion...not really, no.
I would say the thing that wastefulness is a sign of is ingratitude, and again, I see the tie with selfishness, but don't see the connection to rebellion.

For myself, I don't see Christ in either the prodigal or the "faithful" son. Christ is the road back that allowed the prodigal son to return home.

Libertas optimas rarem, nunquam servili sub nexu.
"There is no gift like Liberty, therefore never live under slavery."
Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1896 is a reply to message #88] Thu, 10 January 2013 05:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brrgilbert is currently offline  brrgilbert
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Thank you for the insight and your posts. It has given me more to ponder. Smile

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery

[Updated on: Thu, 10 January 2013 06:07]

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Re: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them [message #1902 is a reply to message #88] Thu, 10 January 2013 15:46 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
brrgilbert is currently offline  brrgilbert
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(Exodus 20:3-6.)

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

(Exodus 34:14.)

14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

(Deuteronomy 4:24.)

24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

(Nahum 1:2.)

2 God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

(Mosiah 11:22-23.)

22 And it shall come to pass that they shall know that I am the Lord their God, and am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of my people.
23 And it shall come to pass that except this people repent and turn unto the Lord their God, they shall be brought into bondage; and none shall deliver them, except it be the Lord the Almighty God.

"I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies."

The Little Prince by St. Exupery
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